m 是将字符串作为多行处理,s是将字符串作为单行处理,如果是s在字符串中出现的\n就相当于普通字符。

6.6. Matching Within Multiple Lines
6.6.1. Problem
You want to use regular expressions on a string containing more than one logical line, but the special characters . (any character but newline), ^ (start of string), and $ (end of string) don't seem to work for you. This might happen if you're reading in multiline records or the whole file at once.

6.6.2. Solution
Use /m, /s, or both as pattern modifiers. /s allows . to match a newline (normally it doesn't). If the target string has more than one line in it, /foo.*bar/s could match a "foo" on one line and a "bar" on a following line. This doesn't affect dots in character classes like [#%.], since they are literal periods anyway.

The /m modifier allows ^ and $ to match immediately before and after an embedded newline, respectively. /^=head[1-7]/m would match that pattern not just at the beginning of the record, but anywhere right after a newline as well.


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