Sybase 安装Golden Gate:

  1. 下载,然后create subdirs.并且在两端配置好mgr,设置好端口7809
  2. 创建golden gate用户ogguser,并且给它授权sa和replication
    [root@localhost ~]# su - sybase
    [sybase@localhost ~]$ vi .bash_profile --设置sybase路径还有DSQUERY=ASE1
    [sybase@localhost ~]$ isql -Usa -P111111 -SASE1
    1> sp_addlogin ogguser,ogguser
    2> go
    Password correctly set.
    Account unlocked.
    New login created.
    (return status = 0)
    1> sp_adduser ogguser
    2> go
    New user added.
    (return status = 0)
    1> sp_role 'grant',replication_role, ogguser
    2> go
    Authorization updated.
    (return status = 0)
    1> sp_role 'grant',sa_role,ogguser
    2> go
    Authorization updated.
    (return status = 0)
    1> exit

  3. 设置第二断点,必须拥有sa权限
    [sybase@localhost ggs]$ isql -Uogguser -Pogguser -SASE1
    1> use edr
    2> go
    1> dbcc settrunc('ltm','valid')
    2> go
    ltm_truncpage ltm_trunc_state db_rep_stat gen_id dbid
    ------------- --------------- ----------- ----------- ------
    205079 1 1 0 6

  4. 给要记录的表格加日志
    GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 1> dblogin sourcedb edr@ASE1 userid ogguser password ogguser
    2015-04-22 20:46:17  INFO    OGG-04508  Oracle GoldenGate is searching the Sybase CS library version that is to be used. Please ignore any error that is reported by Sybase as a part of this search process.
    2015-04-22 20:46:17  INFO    OGG-04509  Oracle GoldenGate is using the Sybase CS library version: [15,701].
    2015-04-22 20:46:17  INFO    OGG-04501  Charset information: Client charset: [utf8], Database/Server charset: [iso_1], CHARSETCONVERT: [ON].
    Successfully logged into database. GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 2> list table dbo.entity
    dbo.entity Found 1 tables matching list criteria. GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 3> add trandata dbo.*

  5. 生成定义文件
    GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 1> edit param defgen
    defsfile ./dirout/source.def
    sourcedb edr@ASE1 userid ogguser password ogguser
    TABLE dbo.entity_address;
    TABLE dbo.entity;
    GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 1> shell ./defgen paramfile dirprm/defgen.prm
    Definitions generated for 29 tables in ./dirout/source.def.

  6. 编辑初始抽取参数:edit param eedr0
    EXTRACT eedr0
    sourcedb edr@ASE1 userid ogguser password ogguser
    RMTTASK replicat, GROUP pedr0
    TABLE dbo.entity_address;
    TABLE dbo.entity;

    GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 4> edit param eedr0

    GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 5> add extract eedr0, sourceistable

  7. 编辑目标端的:edit param pedr0 并且加入pedr0: add replicat pedr0, specialrun 注意replicat不需要手动启动,只需要在source启动extract即可。
    REPLICAT pedr0
    USERID goldengate, PASSWORD goldengate
    sourcedefs ./dirdef/source.def
    discardfile ./dirrpt/pedr0.dsc, append, megabytes 10
    MAP dbo.entity_address,
    STATE_CODE = state_code,
    CITY = city,
    STREET1 = street1,
    STREET2 = street2,
    ZIP = zip,
    IS_BAD_ADDRESS = bad_address )

  8. 在source启动extract: start extract eedr0 并且查看它 info eedr0
    2015-04-24 08:59:10 WARNING OGG-01194 EXTRACT task PT0 abended : Bad column length (8) specified for column d in table dbo.t, maximum allowable length is 3.
    2015-04-24 08:27:56 WARNING OGG-01194 EXTRACT task PEDR0 abended : There is no trail to reposition to when doing direct load task。

  9. 配置实时传输:real-time replication


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