Why are you trying to run iOS automation on a real device? That's a bad idea.

iOS Automation on a real device is notoriously slow and problematic.

For automation, you want solid and reliable. Use the iPhone Simulator.

Steps to using iPhone Simulator:

  1. Uncheck UDID
  2. Uncheck BundleId
  3. Check Force Device
  4. Set Force Device to "iPhone Simulator"
  5. Launch Appium Server
  6. Launch Appium Inspector

Steps to using a real device:

  1. Uncheck the App Path capability
  2. Check Force Device
  3. Set Force Device to "iPhone 5", "iPhone 5S", "iPhone 4", etc etc. (whatever device you're trying to automate on)
  4. Launch Appium Server
  5. Launch Appium Inspector



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