


#define outd(x) printf("%d\n",x)
#define outld(x) printf("%lld\n", x)
#define ls(x) arr[x].child[0]
#define rs(x) arr[x].child[1]
inline int read_int()
char c;
int ret = , sgn = ;
do { c = getchar(); } while ((c < '' || c > '') && c != '-');
if (c == '-') sgn = -; else ret = c - '';
while ((c = getchar()) >= '' && c <= '') ret = ret * + (c - '');
return sgn * ret;
using namespace std; const int maxn = + ; struct node
int child[], size, value, key;
int tot; //当前节点个数 inline void push_up(int index)
arr[index].size = arr[ls(index)].size + arr[rs(index)].size + ;
} void split(int root, int& x, int& y, int value) //x中的小于或等于value,y中的大于value
if (!root) { x = y = ; return; }
if (arr[root].value <= value) { x = root; split(rs(root), rs(x), y, value); }
else { y = root; split(ls(root), x, ls(y), value); }
} void merge(int&root, int x, int y)
if (!x || !y) { root = x + y; return; } //其中一个为0,root等于另一个
if (arr[x].key < arr[y].key) { root = x; merge(rs(root), rs(x), y); }
else { root = y; merge(ls(root), x,ls(y)); }
} inline void insert(int& root, int value)
int x = , y = , z = ++tot;
arr[z].value = value, arr[z].size = , arr[z].key = rand();
split(root, x, y, value);
merge(x, x, z);
merge(root, x, y);
} inline void erase(int& root, int value)
int x = , y = , z = ;
split(root, x, y, value);
split(x, x, z, value - ); //z中全是value
merge(z, ls(z), rs(z));
merge(x, x, z);
merge(root, x, y);
} inline int Kth_number(int root, int k)
while (arr[ls(root)].size + != k)
if (arr[ls(root)].size >= k) root = ls(root);
else { k -= (arr[ls(root)].size + ); root = rs(root); }
return arr[root].value;
} inline int Get_rank(int& root, int value)
int x = , y = ;
split(root, x, y, value - );
int res = arr[x].size + ;
merge(root, x, y);
return res;
} inline int Pre(int& root, int value)
int x = , y = ;
split(root, x, y, value - );
int res = Kth_number(x, arr[x].size);
merge(root, x, y); //merge回去
return res;
} inline int Suf(int& root, int value)
int x = , y = ;
split(root, x, y,value);
int res = Kth_number(y, );
merge(root, x, y);
return res;
} int n, op, root; int main()
n = read_int();
while (n--)
op = read_int();
if (op == ) insert(root, read_int());
if (op == ) erase(root, read_int());
if (op == ) outd(Get_rank(root, read_int()));
if (op == ) outd(Kth_number(root, read_int()));
if (op == ) outd(Pre(root, read_int()));
if (op == ) outd(Suf(root, read_int()));
} return ;



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