Fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up.


We all know that fear is powerful, and we all want to overcome fear, so that we can achieve something we can't do before.

But sometimes, after constantly trying and failing, some of us would feel exhuasted and choose to surrender, ending up in living the rest of life with fear and failing.

Abosultely, that is not what I want.

I don't want to live in fear, I don't want to end up with failing, and I know it wouldn't be doomed to be a losing life as long as I choose to keep fighting.

So I choose to live with fear, and find out it's positive effects on my life, at least, it can let me know what I cherish the most and what I lack of to win some rewards.

Knowing yourself deeply and truly is the first step to make some improvements, fear just can help us know some.

Wake up, fight, make things done.

Sometimes we have the dream but we are not ourselves ready for the dream. We have to grow to meet it.


From Louis L'Amour.

If the results were not as satifying as we had expected, don't lose heart, don't give up, the results just told us that we haven't prepared well enough for what we dreamed of, and we must grow to meet it.

Just like my recent experience on debugging the drivers for a driving-system, the work is tough, and the results are far from what I had expected.

Give up? No, that's my work, and that is one of the several ways I can prove what I am worth here.

So I must work somewhat harder to solve the problems, one by one, step by step.

And I believe I can make it, and in that process I can grow up and develop some unique skills that can make me irreplaceable.

Come on, and hurry up, we can make it.


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