


你进行了相关搜索。可是非常多人给你的回答都是要么使用cout, 要么使用printf进行格式化输出。


Stringstreams allow manipulators and locales to customize the result of these operations so you can easily change the format of the resulting string

#include <iomanip>
#include <locale>
#include <sstream>
#include <string> // this should be already included in <sstream> // Defining own numeric facet:
class WithComma: public numpunct<char> // class for decimal numbers using comma instead of point
char do_decimal_point() const { return ','; } // change the decimal separator
}; // Conversion code: double Number = 0.12; // Number to convert to string ostringstream Convert; locale MyLocale( locale(), new WithComma);// Crate customized locale Convert.imbue(MyLocale); // Imbue the custom locale to the stringstream Convert << fixed << setprecision(3) << Number; // Use some manipulators string Result = Convert.str(); // Give the result to the string // Result is now equal to "0,120"


控制输出流显示浮点数的有效数字个数 。假设和fixed合用的话,能够控制小数点右面的位数


#include <iomanip>


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