In this lesson, I refactor a simple Counter component connected to Redux to use Unstated instead. I explain some of the cognitive overhead of working with Redux and how Unstated can help simplify your application codebase.

Additional Resources

A basic example for Unstated:

* Unstated Example
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Counter from "./components/Counter";
import { Provider, Subscribe, Container } from "unstated"; class CounterContainer extends Container {
state = {
count: 0
}; increment() {
this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 });
} decrement() {
this.setState({ count: this.state.count - 1 });
} const ConnectedCounter = () => (
<Subscribe to={[CounterContainer]}>
{counter => (
onIncrement={() => counter.increment()}
onDecrement={() => counter.decrement()}
); ReactDOM.render(
<ConnectedCounter />

We use:

<Subscribe to={[CounterContainer]>

I means we want to keep the state for the component itself.

We can do some interesting things with <Provider> as well like dependency injection:

let counter = new CounterContainer();

<Provider inject={[counter]}>
<Counter />


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