Square Thumbnail with Image

<!-- Square Thumbnail with Image -->

The above code creates a square thumbnail with an image on the inside.


The following attributes can be added to any BootstrapThumbnail:

bt_roundedCorners="true" True if you want round corners on the thumbnail. Default is square corners if not specified

bt_image="@drawable/image" Specify drawable for image. If no image is specified, a default thumbnail will be created with the dimensions overlaying the thumbnail.

bt_width="100dp" Width of thumbnail

bt_height="75dp" Height of thumbnail

bt_inside_padding="8dp" Thumbnail padding. I recommend to just use the default and not specify

You can also set the image programmatically

setImage(drawable) sets the image. Pass in a drawable

Circle Thumbnail with Image

<!-- Circle Thumbnail with Image -->

The above code creates an x-large circle thumbnail with an image inside. Below is an example. The grey background will not be generated, it's just the background of the screenshot

The following attributes can be added to a BootstrapCircleThumbnail:

bct_image="@drawable/image" Image to place inside

bct_size="small" Size of thumbnail. Sizes available are: small medium large xlarge

bct_minimal="true" Set to true if you don't want the white border.

Example of a minimal circle thumbnail below:


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