


  N: 被搜索的字符串长度。

  M: 模式串长度。

  strsearch.h :

 #ifndef _STRSEARCH_H
#define _STRSEARCH_H /***ASCII list length***/ #define ASCII_LIST_LENGTH 256 /* Interface */ extern int BMSearch(char *dest_str,char *pattern); #endif

  strsearch.c :

 #include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "strsearch.h" #ifdef _cplusplus
extern "C"{
#endif /*
******Implementation of Boyer-Moore Algorithm******
* This function is to solve the string search ,and somhow we
* can find the position of pattern string in the dest string
* quickly.
* Copyright(c) 2013.9.6 xiaoh
* All rights reserved.
*/ /*
* This function is to build the jump step list for each
* charactor.
*/ void BoyerMoore(char *pattern,int right[])
int M = strlen(pattern); for(int c=;c<ASCII_LIST_LENGTH;c++)
right[c] = -;
for(int j=;j<M;j++)
right[pattern[j]] = j;
} /*
* Main function of Boyer-More Search Algorithm
*/ int BMSearch(char *dest_str,char *pattern)
/*Array right: steps to move for the pattern string*/
int right[ASCII_LIST_LENGTH]; BoyerMoore(pattern,right); int N = strlen(dest_str);
int M = strlen(pattern); int skip; //number to jump
for(int i=;i<=N-M;i+=skip)
   skip = ;
 for(int j=M-;j>=;j--)
      skip = j-right[dest_str[i+j]];//calculate the step to jump
       skip = ;
 if(skip == )
    printf("Search finished successfully.\n");
  return i;
printf("String cannot be found.\n");
return N;
} #ifdef _cplusplus



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