I Wanna Say Is That…

There’s a guy called wsh in our computer room.

That guy registered a blog in CSDN, and its ID is wly_sh. We didn’t know why his ID is wly_sh, instead of wsh. In other words, who’s that guy called ly?

What Did We Do?

My friend zsyz_ZZY joined our team to explore its secret.

At first, we got a long list of all the students in grade 9. We searched the women whose name included ly. There went about 10 candidates. The most likely one we thought is lly.

That night zzy talked to his roommates and got a talk-warning ticket.

Yesterday we went back for the classes. zzy asked one of wsh’s primarimate. He told us that there’s a girl called lyt. She’s gone to some problems with wsh. We thought maybe she’s who we want to know about.

That’s all we know. zzy has released an article about this event.

I Think…

First of all, it’s easy to know that ly is wsh’s l**e.

Once he heard this idea, he said, “Dude, why does it works like that?” At the same time, he tickled his sock on his right.

So why does a normal man tickle his sock when he’s talking? It shows that he’s afraid about something. In this case, the things he may afraid is we got the name ly. Do I have a point?

Second, when ZZY called the name lyt, wsh’s just like-closed his eyes, like-smiled, and like-raised his middle finger. That strange behavior shows that we’ve just got the right answer although he really doesn’t want to tell us.

What’s more, when I was writing this passage, wsh’s behavior was very strange, too. When zzy and me are writing, wsh’s just pushed in his screen to him, frequently say some hard-understand sentences, like “How can I rename my U-disk?”. It shows that he’s restless.

wsh’s promised to zzy that he’ll tell the answer to us in Aug. 1st, 2019. After discussing with zzy, we all agreed that the reason why wsh decided to tell us after final-exam is that ly maybe leave our school after that test.

zzy has told these to ZY, a girl in his class. So all people who she met will know this no longer.

In a word, there’re 2 people who has strong suspicion. One is lly, the other is lyt. So it goes.


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