记录一下昨天写的SharePoint tool,需求是这样的:

在SharePoint list subfolder 下创建1000个folder,这些folder指定特殊的contenttype,contenttype中有一个Taxonomy类型的field,为这个filed赋值,并且新创建的这些folder下只能创建指定contenttype的file。


 public static void CreatFolder(string siteUrl)//传入site url
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteUrl))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList("your list title");
if (list != null)
SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(() =>
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPFolder BAFolder = list.RootFolder.SubFolders.Cast<SPFolder>().
FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals("your folder name or root folder", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (BAFolder.Exists)
TaxonomyFieldValue taxonomyFieldValue = GetTaxonomyFieldValue(site, list);
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
string gvName = "GV" + i;
SPListItem newItem = list.Items.Add(BAFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, SPFileSystemObjectType.Folder, gvName);
newItem[SPBuiltInFieldId.ContentTypeId] = list.ContentTypes["your content type name"].Id;
newItem["Title"] = gvName;
//为Taxonomy field 赋值
newItem["your taxonomy field internal name"] = taxonomyFieldValue;
//为新创建的folder指定UniqueContentTypeOrder即在new folder下只能创建UniqueContentTypeOrder中包含的contenttype类型的file or folder
SPFolder gvFolder = newItem.Folder;
Collection<SPContentType> gvFolderOrderedContentTypes = new Collection<SPContentType>();
for (int j = ; j < list.ContentTypes.Count; j++)
if (list.ContentTypes[j].Name == "your contenttype name")
gvFolder.UniqueContentTypeOrder = gvFolderOrderedContentTypes;
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
 private static TaxonomyFieldValue GetTaxonomyFieldValue(SPSite site, SPList list)
TaxonomySession session = new TaxonomySession(site);
TermStore termStore = session.TermStores["Managed Metadata Service"];
Group group = termStore.Groups["group name"];
TermSet termSet = group.TermSets["termset name"];
Term term = termSet.Terms["term name"];

TaxonomyField taxonomyField = list.Fields["your taxonomy field name"] as TaxonomyField;
TaxonomyFieldValue taxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(taxonomyField);
taxonomyFieldValue.TermGuid = term.Id.ToString();
taxonomyFieldValue.Label = term.Name;
return taxonomyFieldValue;



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