npm install -g prisma
prisma init prisma-study
? Set up a new Prisma server or deploy to an existing server? (Use arrow keys)
  You can set up Prisma for local development (based on docker-compose)
❯ Use existing database      Connect to existing database
  Create new database        Set up a local database using Docker
  Or deploy to an existing Prisma server:
  Demo server                Hosted demo environment incl. database (requires login)
  Use other server           Manually provide endpoint of a running Prisma server
选择使用已存在的数据库(Use existing database)后,回车确认选择。
? Set up a new Prisma server or deploy to an existing server? Use existing database
? What kind of database do you want to deploy to?
  MySQL             MySQL compliant databases like MySQL or MariaDB
❯ PostgreSQL        PostgreSQL database
? Set up a new Prisma server or deploy to an existing server? Use existing database
? What kind of database do you want to deploy to? PostgreSQL
? Does your database contain existing data? (Use arrow keys)
❯ No
  Yes (experimental - Prisma migrations not yet supported)
Warning: Introspecting databases with existing data is currently an experimental feature. If you find any issues, please report them here: https://github.co
? Set up a new Prisma server or deploy to an existing server? Use existing database
? What kind of database do you want to deploy to? PostgreSQL
? Does your database contain existing data? No
? Enter database host (localhost)
? Set up a new Prisma server or deploy to an existing server? Use existing database
? What kind of database do you want to deploy to? PostgreSQL
? Does your database contain existing data? No
? Enter database host
? Enter database port (5432)
? Set up a new Prisma server or deploy to an existing server? Use existing database
? What kind of database do you want to deploy to? PostgreSQL
? Does your database contain existing data? No
? Enter database host 10.xxx.xxx.xxx(此处为你的docker宿主机IP)
? Enter database port 5432
? Enter database user
? Set up a new Prisma server or deploy to an existing server? Use existing database
? What kind of database do you want to deploy to? PostgreSQL
? Does your database contain existing data? No
? Enter database host 10.xxx.xxx.xxx(此处为你的docker宿主机IP)
? Enter database port 5432
? Enter database user postgres
? Enter database password
? Set up a new Prisma server or deploy to an existing server? Use existing database
? What kind of database do you want to deploy to? PostgreSQL
? Does your database contain existing data? No
? Enter database host 10.xxx.xxx.xxx(此处为你的docker宿主机IP)
? Enter database port 5432
? Enter database user postgres
? Enter database password study
? Enter database name
? Set up a new Prisma server or deploy to an existing server? Use existing database
? What kind of database do you want to deploy to? PostgreSQL
? Does your database contain existing data? No
? Enter database host 10.xxx.xxx.xxx(此处为你的docker宿主机IP)
? Enter database port 5432
? Enter database user postgres
? Enter database password study
? Enter database name study
? Use SSL? (Y/n)
? Set up a new Prisma server or deploy to an existing server? Use existing database
? What kind of database do you want to deploy to? PostgreSQL
? Does your database contain existing data? No
? Enter database host 10.xxx.xxx.xxx(此处为你的docker宿主机IP)
? Enter database port 5432
? Enter database user postgres
? Enter database password study
? Enter database name study
? Use SSL? No
Connecting to database 18ms
? Select the programming language for the generated Prisma client
  Prisma TypeScript Client
  Prisma Flow Client
❯ Prisma JavaScript Client
  Prisma Go Client
  Don't generate
这里选择产生JavaScript客户端脚本(Prisma JavaScript Client)。
? Set up a new Prisma server or deploy to an existing server? Use existing database
? What kind of database do you want to deploy to? PostgreSQL
? Does your database contain existing data? No
? Enter database host 10.xxx.xxx.xxx(此处为你的docker宿主机IP)
? Enter database port 5432
? Enter database user postgres
? Enter database password study
? Enter database name study
? Use SSL? No
Connecting to database 18ms
? Select the programming language for the generated Prisma client Prisma JavaScript Client
Created 3 new files:                                                                          
  prisma.yml          Prisma service definition
  datamodel.prisma    GraphQL SDL-based datamodel (foundation for database)
  docker-compose.yml  Docker configuration file
Next steps:
  1. Open folder: cd prisma-study
  2. Start your Prisma server: docker-compose up -d
  3. Deploy your Prisma service: prisma deploy
  4. Read more about Prisma server:
Generating schema... 20ms
Saving Prisma Client (JavaScript) at /Users/chunrong.liu/dev/study/prisma-study/generated/prisma-client/
接下来按昭Next steps下面的步骤提示执行后续操作。
cd prisma-study/
docker-compose up -d
Creating prisma-study_prisma_1 … done
$ prisma deploy
Creating stage default for service default ✔
Deploying service `default` to stage `default` to server `local` 476ms
  User (Type)
  + Created type `User`
  + Created field `id` of type `GraphQLID!`
  + Created field `name` of type `String!`
  + Created field `updatedAt` of type `DateTime!`
  + Created field `createdAt` of type `DateTime!`
Applying changes 1.2s
Your Prisma GraphQL database endpoint is live:
  HTTP:  http://localhost:4466
  WS:    ws://localhost:4466
$ prisma playground
Serving playground at http://localhost:3000/playground


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