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redhat systemd version list

systemd list

OS version systemd版本 featrue BUG infomation
redhat7u2 systemd-219-19.el7_2.9.x86_64
xxx systemd-219-19.el7_2.9.x86_64 - journal: fix error handling when compressing journal objects (#1292447)
xxx systemd-219-19.el7_2.11.x86_64 asdasd asdasd
xxx systemd-219-19.el7_2.12.x86_64 asdasd we here
xxx systemd-219-19.el7_2.13.x86_64 asdasd - core: use an AF_UNIX/SOCK_DGRAM socket for cgroup agent notification (#1305608)
xxx systemd-219-19.el7_2.18.x86_64 asdasd asdasd
xxx systemd-219-19.el7_2.20.x86_64 asdasd asdasd
redhat7u3 systemd-219-30.el7 asdasd
xxx systemd-219-30.el7_3.3 asdasd asdasd
xxx systemd-219-30.el7_3.6 asdasd asdasd
xxx systemd-219-30.el7_3.7 asdasd asdasd
xxx systemd-219-30.el7_3.8 asdasd asdasd
xxx systemd-219-30.el7_3.9 asdasd asdasd
xxx systemd-219-42.el7

7u3 update log








  • Previously, there was a bug in the way systemd handled resource limits. As a
    consequence, setting resource limits failed, displaying the error "Failed to
    parse resource value, ignoring". This bug has been fixed, and systemd no longer
    fails when setting resource limits. (BZ#1399638)

  • Previously, there was a bug in the add_random function in systemd. This caused
    systemd to terminate unexpectedly under certain circumstances. This update fixes
    the bug, and systemd no longer crashes in these situations. (BZ#1399639)




  • Previously, there was a bug in the way systemd handles resource limits
    specification. As a consequence, setting resource limits failed, displaying the
    error "Failed to parse resource value, ignoring". This bug has been fixed, and
    systemd no longer fails when setting resource limits. (BZ#1399638)

  • Previously, there was a bug in the add_random function in systemd. This caused
    systemd to sometimes terminate unexpectedly when a unit was scheduled to run at
    a specific time, without any randomized delay. This update fixes the bug, and
    systemd no longer crashes in the described situation. (BZ#1399639)

Users of systemd are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which fix
these bugs.




  • Previously, if there was a require dependency between units (for example,
    neutron-openvswitch-agent requiring openvswitch), restarting was propagated to
    the dependent unit even if the dependent unit was not running. For example,
    restarting openvswitch started also the dependent neutron-openvswitch-agent even
    when it was in the stopped state. With this update, restarting propagation has
    been changed to try-restart, and stopped dependent units are no longer started.
    As a result, neutron-openvswitch-agent remains in the stopped state in the
    described example. (BZ#1443992)

7u2 update log




This update fixes the following bug:

  • Previously, the garbage collector inside systemd had N! (factorial of N)
    worst-case complexity, where N is the number of units. Consequently, the system
    hung during shutdown if a lot of units were stopped. The algorithm has been
    changed to have N^2 (square of N) worst-case complexity, and the system no
    longer hangs in the described scenario. (BZ#1346292)




This update fixes the following bugs:

  • Previously, the cgroups-agent program used D-Bus for its messaging. Because
    the dbus-daemon used a backlog of 30 connections on its D-bus system bus socket,
    reaching the limit of 30 queued connections could consequently result in losing
    cgroup empty messages from further connections. This update adds a separate
    cgroup agent socket of the AF_UNIX/SOCK_DGRAM type, which needs no connection
    set up and for no listen() backlog applies. Now, if the cgroups-agent binary
    file cannot queue datagram messages, it does not attempt for re-connection but
    instead blocks the datagram messages. As a result, cgroup empty messages are no
    longer lost, the session scopes for an SSH connection no longer trigger a memory
    leak, and the load increases. (BZ#1360159)

  • Previously, an inefficient algorithm for reaping processes caused that the
    systemd service became unresponsive when a large number of processes terminated
    in a short interval. The algorithm has been improved, and systemd is now able to
    reap the processes more quickly, which prevents the described hang from
    occurring. (BZ#1360160)




This update adds the following enhancement:

  • The /dev/disk/by-id/ directory now contains symlinks to Non-volatile Memory
    Express (NVMe) drives that are present on the system. With this update, symlinks
    based on device World Wide Name, model number, and serial number are created.
    This allows the administrator to use persistent device names in configuration, for example in /etc/fstab. (BZ#1388900)


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