Seminar Schedule (C2017 | 2019.9-12 | 3rd semester S0500783)


  • Time: Friday, 16:10-17:40 +
  • Venue: 3-501 +

Administrative Issues
Paper Reading Session usually lasts 50 minutes. Each group is expected to recommend one member to do the presentation and the paper should be selected from top-conferences held in 2019, such as CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, NIPS, ICML, ICLR, etc.

Project Discussion Session usually lasts 40 minutes and each group is allocated 10 minutes. Group leader is expected to report the progress and the problems encounted.

Individual face-to-face meeting

16:00-17:00 (Mon. 3-501 *Tentative)
If you would like to have an individual meeting with me, please make an appointment at an early time. You are always welcome.

Group Arrangement
G1: Object detection/localization
G2: Tracking
G3: Summarization
G4: Action/Event Analysis

W1) 9. 6 Holiday Summary & Semester Plan
W2) 9.13 Paper Reading - G1
W3) 9.20 Paper Reading - G2 + Project Discussion
W4) 9.27 Paper Reading - G3
W5) 10. 4 Holiday
W6) 10.11 Paper Reading - G4
W7) 10.18 Paper Reading - G1 + Project Discussion
W8) 10.25 Paper Reading - G2
W9) 11.1 Midterm project report <slides + in-progress demo>
W10) 11. 8 Paper Reading - G3
W11) 11.15 Paper Reading - G4 + Project Discussion
W12) 11.22 Paper Reading - G1
W13) 11.29 Paper Reading - G2
W14) 12. 6 Paper Reading - G3 + Project Discussion
W15) 12.13 Paper Reading - G4 + Proposal Plan
W16) 12.20 Proposal Discussion
W17) 12.27 Final project report <slides + demo code + pdf report>

  • Slides in English, report/speak in Chinese or English


  1. dedecms中调用制定栏目
  2. GO语言练习:网络编程 ICMP 示例
  3. eclipse出现每次修改代码报heap over错误,然后必须重启tomcat问题,修改过程
  4. 【桌面程序搞界面再也不怕了】:迅雷BOLT入门(一)开篇 附程序和源码
  5. django构建blog--页面部分(eclipse+pydev)
  6. CSS水平、垂直居中小结
  7. Omnithreadlibary学习(2)-IOmniTask异步执行
  8. linux 日常命令(磁盘空间)
  9. (四)图数据neo4j用户管理
  10. missing requires of
  11. ArcGIS AddIn 批量设置栅格图层背景色为透明
  12. 文件传输协议FTP、SFTP和SCP
  13. Delphi中Owner和Parent的区别
  14. 《jQuery精品教程视频》-每天的复习笔记
  15. DRP端口描述
  16. 5 -- Hibernate的基本用法 --4 1 创建Configuration对象
  17. SpringMVC源码总结(一)HandlerMapping和HandlerAdapter入门
  18. 华为手机不能连接android studio进行调试的解决办法
  19. Operfire 安装指南
  20. Webservice初级问题: FAILED TO READ WSDL document


  1. Field redisTemplate in xxxxxx required a bean of type &#39;; that could not be found.
  2. python的深浅拷贝-成为马老师的弟子
  3. MySQL 只能做小项目?松哥要说几句公道话!
  4. Redis(六)Lua脚本的支持
  5. Python的设计哲学--zen of Python
  6. [转] vue前端异常监控sentry实践
  7. .NET创建Windows定时任务
  8. vertx 异步编程指南 step8-使用RxJava进行反应式编程
  9. ASP.NET Core+MongoDB(一)
  10. PIE SDK主成分变换