我们都知道SQL中适用case when then来转化数据库中的信息

比如  select (case sex when 0 then '男' else '女' end) AS sex  from studentInfo

那么在集合函数中它有什么用呢 ?


如果现在要你根据这张表,查出江西省男女个数,广东省男生个数,浙江省男女个数 怎么写SQL语句?


select sex ,

  count ( case province when '广东省' then '广东省' end )as 广东省 ,

  count ( case province when '江西省' then '江西省' end )as 江西省 ,

  count ( case province when '浙江省' then '浙江省' end )as 浙江省

  from student group by sex

count()函数即根据给定的范围和group by(统计方式) 而统计行数据的条数


1.  select sex from student (查询数据表中的存在的男女条数)

2.select sex, count (*) as num from student group by sex  (查询表中男女数量)

3.select sex ,province, count (*)as num from student group by sex,province (查询各省男女数量)

  重点来了,如果我把count(*) 中的 *号换成任一列名呢? 如count(province) 会怎样?

4.select sex ,province, count (province)as num from student group by sex,province (查询各省男女数量)

  又有count (province)等价于 count(case province when '浙江省' then '浙江省' else province end )

  但是如果我们缩小范围呢即count(case province when '浙江省' then '浙江省' end ) 那么请看下面

5.select sex ,province, count ( case province when '浙江省' then '浙江省' end )as num from student group by sex,province

  即统计男女数量范围限定在浙江省 再精简一下即下面

6.select sex, count ( case province when '浙江省' then '浙江省' end ) as 浙江省 from student group by sex


7.select sex ,count ( case province when '广东省' then '广东省' end )as 广东省 ,count ( case province when '江西省' then '江西省' end )as 江西省 ,count ( case province when '浙江省' then '浙江省' end )as 浙江省 from student group by sex

  小结:当然实现有很多种方法 可以多个子查询拼接起来也不无可厚非。我这只是一种思路

  补充:case when then 知识点

  (1) select (case province when '浙江省' then '浙江' when '江西省' then '江西' end  ) as 省份 from student


  (2)select (case province when '浙江省' then '浙江' when '江西省' then '江西' else province end  ) as 省份 from student


select id,ORDER_ID,
count(case STATUS when 'F' then true end ) as '已发送报告' ,
count(case STATUS when 'D' then true end ) as '已生成报告',
count(case STATUS when 'T' then true end ) as '未生成报告',
max(SERVICE_CNT) as '共计服务次数'
from APP_NUTRITION_SERVICE_DETAIL where DELETE_MARK='N' and ORDER_ID in(2016042501,2016042502) group by ORDER_ID
[0] => Array
[id] => 6
[ORDER_ID] => 2016042501
[已发送报告] => 4
[已生成报告] => 1
[未生成报告] => 0
[共计服务次数] => 5
[1] => Array
[id] => 8
[ORDER_ID] => 2016042502
[已发送报告] => 1
[已生成报告] => 1
[未生成报告] => 0
[共计服务次数] => 2





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