


1.UiObject2 中已经给出了解决方法,可以通过 getParent()方法处理。缺点:由于UiObjec2t控件与视图进行绑定,当视图变化后该控件对象就被销毁了。所以多次使用则非常不便利

public void testCase_Btn(){
UiObject2 switchBtn = device.findObject(By.text("Automatic 24‑hour format"))
assertTrue("switch btn is open", !switchBtn.isChecked());

2.UiObject中通过id + instance 去能查找到控件,但是界面变动的话脚本也得变动,可靠性不强。只能采取折中的方式来获取了。不多说,直接上代码。

UiObject switchBnt3 = device.findObject(new UiSelector().resourceId("android:id/switch_widget").instance(2));


public void testCase_Btn() throws UiObjectNotFoundException {
UiObject timeFormat = device.findObject(new UiSelector().text("Automatic 24‑hour format"));
UiObject switchBtn = ControlObj.getUiObject(timeFormat);
assertTrue("switch btn is open", !switchBtn.isChecked());


package com.zzw.commonutils.commons;

import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.support.test.InstrumentationRegistry;
import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiCollection;
import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiDevice;
import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiObject;
import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiObjectNotFoundException;
import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiSelector;
import android.util.Log; /**
* @author zzw
public class ControlObj {
private static final String TAG = ControlObj.class.getSimpleName(); public static UiObject getUiObject(UiObject obj) throws UiObjectNotFoundException {
UiCollection list = new UiCollection(new UiSelector().resourceId("com.android.settings:id/list"));
UiObject switchBtn = UiDevice.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation())
.findObject(new UiSelector().resourceId("android:id/switch_widget"));
return getUiObject(list, obj,switchBtn );
} /**
* 获取同行的控件
* @param uic UiCollection
* @param uio The same row UiObject as the target UiObject
* @param uio2 Target UiObject
* @return An UiObject
* @throws UiObjectNotFoundException maybe can't find UiObject
public static UiObject getUiObject(UiCollection uic, UiObject uio, UiObject uio2) throws UiObjectNotFoundException {
UiObject obj = null;
UiSelector uis = uio2.getSelector();
Log.i(TAG, "getUiObject: "+ uic.getChildCount(uis));
for(int i=0; i< uic.getChildCount(uis); i++){
UiObject uiObject = uic.getChildByInstance(uis, i);
boolean result = isSameLine(uio, uiObject);
Log.i(TAG, "getUiObject: "+result );
obj = uiObject;
if(obj == null){ throw new RuntimeException("Get "+ uio.getSelector()+" same line UiObject error");}
return obj;
} /**
* 判断两个控件是否在同一行
* @param obj1 UiObject 1
* @param obj2 UiObject 2
* @return return true, if is same line
* @throws UiObjectNotFoundException maybe can't find UiObject
private static boolean isSameLine(UiObject obj1, UiObject obj2) throws UiObjectNotFoundException {
Rect first = obj1.getBounds();
Rect second = obj2.getBounds();
Log.i(TAG, "isSameLine: f:"+ first + ", s"+second);
// 比较区域
return first.top< second.bottom && first.bottom > second.top ;


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