The Common Lisp Programming Language

"The programming language of choice for those who set out to solve the world's very hardest problems."

Think of Lisp as an alternative to or refuge from "commodity" languages like Java, C. and C++, especially for your most complex and difficult projects.

The Lisp language family was originally designed four decades ago to aid the then-nascent Artificial Intelligence industry, and has proven itself over the interim to be a powerful ally in tackling the world's most difficult kinds of problems:

  • problems that involve planning, problem solving, and learning  #1
  • problems whose specifications are ill-defined or change dynamically  #2
  • problems that involve qualitative reasoning#3
  • problems involving heterogeneous data or considerable amounts of potentially erroneous data that must be sifted and repaired #4
  • problems that require very fast time to market
  • problems that must manage complex control flow, including sophisticated error handling #5
  • Common Lisp is an ideal technology for addressing the problems of the modern web.#6
  • ...
For #1:
{Planning} -> {Collecting} -> {learning} -> {Solving}
      A                                       V
      <<-------------------------------<<  Feedback Loop
For #2:
{!@#$%^&*?????} -> {ill-defined learning and change dynamically}                            
      A                                       V
      <<-------------------------------<<  Feedback Loop 
For #3:
{events} -> {diff x,y,z....} -> {learning} -> {reasoning}
  A                                            V
  <<-----------------------------------<<  Feedback Loop 
For #4:
{heterogeneous anderroneous data} ->{learning} -> {filtering} -> {learning} -> {repairing}
  A                                                              AV                             AV
  <<---------------------------------------------------<<------------------------<<  Feedback Loop 
For #5:
{Flows} -> {Errors} -> {learning} -> {feedback and events}
   A                                 V
    <<-------------------------<< Feedback Loop 

For #6:

 {Web system data collection} -> {learning} -> {filtering} -> {learning} -> {reasoning and recommendation}
  A                                                     AV                                    AV
  <<-------------------------------------------<<-------------------------------<<  Feedback Loop 
Sep 13rd,2013


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