
#ifndef _MAIN_H_
#define _MAIN_H_ #include <iostream>
#include <exception>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; //用于改变一维数组的长度
template<class T>
void changeLength1D(T* a,int oldlength,int newlength)
if (newlength > 0)
T* extraBlocks = new T[newlength]; //用新长度先分配一块额外空间
int copylen = min(oldlength, newlength); //确认要拷贝的长度
copy(a, a + copylen, extraBlocks); //老数组的数据拷贝到新分配的空间
delete []a; //删除老数组的指针
a = extraBlocks; //指针指向新区域
throw 2;
} } //抽象基类
template<class T>
class LinearList
virtual ~LinearList() {};
virtual bool empty() const = 0;
virtual T& get(int index) const = 0;
virtual int indexof(const T& element) const = 0;
virtual void erase(int index) const = 0;
virtual void insert(const int index, const T& element) = 0;
virtual void output() const = 0; }; //数组类定义
template<class T>
class arraylist : LinearList<T>
arraylist(int initialCapacity = 10);
arraylist(const arraylist<T>&);
~arraylist() { delete[]element; }
bool empty() const { return listSize == 0; }
int size() const{ return listSize; }
T& get(int index) const;
int indexof(const T& element) const;
void erase(int index) const;
void insert(const int index, const T& element);
void output() const; //新定义的方法
int capacity()const { return arrayLength; } protected:
void checkIndex(int index)const;
T* element;
int arrayLength;
int listSize;
}; //数组类实现
template<class T>
arraylist<T>::arraylist(int initialCapacity) //默认构造函数,初始容量默认值为10
if (initialCapacity < 1)
throw 0; //抛出的异常用整形数字处理
//do nothing
} arrayLength = initialCapacity;
element = new T[arrayLength]; //分配数组空间
listSize = 0;
} template<class T>
arraylist<T>::arraylist(const arraylist<T>& theList) //复制构造函数
arrayLength = theList.arrayLength;
listSize = theList.listSize;
element = new T[arrayLength];
copy(theList.element, theList.element + listSize, element);
} template<class T>
void arraylist<T>::checkIndex(int index)const //检查下标
if (index < 0 || index >= listSize)
throw 1;
//do nothing
} template<class T>
T& arraylist<T>::get(int index) const //获取某下标的元素
return element[index];
} template<class T>
int arraylist<T>::indexof(const T& theElement) const //获取某元素的下标
int foundindex = (int)(find(element, element + listSize, theElement) - element); if (foundindex == listSize)
return -1;
else return foundindex;
} template<class T>
void arraylist<T>::erase(int index) const
checkIndex(index); //从index+1开始,所有元素左移一格
copy(element + index + 1, element + listSize, element + index); int sizeTemp = listSize;
element[--sizeTemp].~T(); //调用析构函数删除元素 } template<class T>
void arraylist<T>::insert(const int index, const T& theElement) //特定位置插入元素
if (index < 0 || index > listSize)
throw 1;
//do nothing
} //数组长度达到容量,容量加倍
if (listSize == arrayLength)
changeLength1D(element, arrayLength, 2 * arrayLength);
arrayLength *= 2;
//do nothing
} copy_backward(element + index, element + listSize, element + listSize + 1);
element[index] = theElement;
} template<class T>
void arraylist<T>::output() const
for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++)
cout << element[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
} #endif


#include "main.h"

int main()
arraylist<int> a1; try
a1.insert(0, 1);
a1.insert(1, 2);
a1.insert(2, 3); a1.output(); a1.insert(0, 4); a1.output();
catch (const int errornum)
if (errornum == 0)
cout << "Initial capacity must be >0!\n";
else if (errornum == 1)
cout << "Array index illegal!\n";
else if(errornum == 2)
cout << "New array length must be >0!\n";
} return 0;


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