
wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql57-community-release-el7-8.noarch.rpm
yum -y localinstall mysql57-community-release-el7-8.noarch.rpm
yum install mysql-community-server -y
systemctl start mysqld
grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log
mysql -uroot -p
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ZHOUjian.22'; grant all privileges on *.* to admin@"%" identified by 'ZHOUjian.21' withth grant option; # 授权test用户有testdb数据库某一部分权限
grant select,update on testDB.* to test@'%' identified by 'ZHOUjian.22'; # 授权test用户拥有所有数据库所有权限
grant all on *.* to 'test'@'%' identified by 'ZHOUjian.22';
flush privileges;
# 创建数据库
mysql> create database myblog1 charset=utf8; # 查询数据库
mysql> show databases; # 查看数据库
mysql> show create database myblog;
| Database | Create Database |
| myblog | CREATE DATABASE `myblog` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */ |
+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ # 删除数据库
mysql> drop database myblog1;
# 进入Myblog数据库
mysql> use myblog; # 创建表
mysql> create table name (
-> colname coltype 修饰,
-> ) engine=inndb default charset=utf8mb4; colname: 列名, 大小写英文字母,数字,_组成
coltype: 数值类型(int bigint float double decimal(m,n))
字符串类型(varchar(n), char(n))
文本类型(text 64k,mediumtext 16M,longtext 4G)
json/array() # 修饰:
# 主键: primary key
# 唯一: unique
# 自动增长: auto_increment
# 默认值: default 0,default ''
# 是否允许为Null, 不允许为NULL ,NOT NULL
# 注释: COMMENT '' # 索引


create table task(
id bigint primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(64) not null default '' comment '任务名称',
status int not null default 0 comment '状态,0: 新建, 1: 正在执行, 2: 停止, 3: 完成',
start_time datetime comment '开始时间',
complete_time datetime comment '完成时间',
deadline_time datetime not null comment '截止时间',
content text comment '任务详情',
index idx_name (name),
index deadline_time(deadline_time)
)engine=innodb default charset utf8mb4 auto_increment 1000; # 查看表结构
mysql> desc task; # 删除表
mysql> drop table name; # 修改表
mysql> alter table name 动作; # 只允许添加列
alter table name add column colname coltype 修饰; # 删除列
alter table name drop column colname; # 修改列
alter table name modify column colname coltype 修饰; # 索引
create index name on table (column,column2,...);
drop index name on table (column,column2);
create unique index name on table (column,column2,...);


# 增 insert into table(c1,c2,c3,c4) values(v1,v2,v3,v4);
mysql> insert into task(name,content,deadline_time) values('写作业','完成todulist web', '2020-06-27 15:20:00'); # 删 # 改 # 查
mysql> select * from task;
| id | name | status | start_time | complete_time | deadline_time | content |
| 1000 | 写作业 | 0 | NULL | NULL | 2020-06-27 15:20:00 | 完成todulist web |
+------+-----------+--------+------------+---------------+---------------------+--------------------+ # 指定列查询
mysql> select name,status,start_time from task;
| name | status | start_time |
| 写作业 | 0 | NULL |
+-----------+--------+------------+ # 条件查询
mysql> select name,status,start_time from task where name='写作业';
| name | status | start_time |
| 写作业 | 0 | NULL |
| 写作业 | 0 | NULL |
+-----------+--------+------------+ # 逻辑关系
与 and
或 or colname=v1 or colname = v2
非 not
c1 = v1 and (c2 = v2 or c3 = v3)
删 delete from table;
delete from table where 条件; # 改
update table
set colname = v1, col2 = v2 ,col3 = v3;
mysql> update task set status=1;


# 获取当前时间
select now(); # 获取md5('1');
select md5('1') # date_format(time,layout)


insert into task(name,content,deadline_time) values('1','1','2020-05-20'),
# 数量
count(id) mysql> select count(*) from task where status=1; # as 别名 # # 排序
order by colname [asc | desc],col2 [asc|desc]
mysql> select * from task order by deadline_time; # 分页
# 展示多少条数据 每页的数据量
# 展示第几页 页面
# limit 限制查询数量
# offset 设置便宜
# 每页展示5条 limit 5
# 第一页offset 0
# 第二页offset 5
mysql> select * from task order by deadline_time limit 5 offset 0; # 分组
# IP time url status_code
# ip 出现的次数
# status_code出现的次数
# url,status_code出现的次数
# ip url status_code出现次数
# group by
select [] from table group by colname,colname2 [having 过滤条件;]
# select 元素必须是指定分组的列名或聚合类
mysql> select status,count(*) from task group by status;
| status | count(*) |
| 0 | 7 |
| 1 | 2 |
+--------+----------+ create table accesslog(
id bigint primary key auto_increment,
logtime datetime not null comment '访问时间',
ip varchar(128) not null default '' comment '访问来源',
url varchar(4096) not null default '' comment '访问地址',
status int not null default 0 comment '状态码'
) engine=innodb default charset utf8mb4; insert into accesslog(logtime,ip,url,status) values
('2020-06-05 05:20:00','','/index',200),
('2020-06-06 05:20:00','','/home',302),
('2020-06-07 05:20:00','','/test.txt',404),
('2020-06-08 05:20:00','','/backup.sh',404),
('2020-06-09 05:20:00','','/login',200),
('2020-06-10 05:20:00','','/register',200),
('2020-06-15 05:20:00','','/test',200),
('2020-06-13 05:20:00','','/upload.php',200),
('2020-06-15 05:20:00','','/index',200); # ip出现次数
mysql> select ip,count(*) from accesslog group by ip;
| ip | count(*) |
| | 1 |
| | 1 |
| | 1 |
| | 1 |
| | 1 |
| | 1 |
| | 1 |
| | 1 |
| | 1 |
+---------+----------+ # status_code出现次数
mysql> select status,count(*) from accesslog group by status;
| status | count(*) |
| 200 | 6 |
| 302 | 1 |
| 404 | 2 |
+--------+----------+ # ip url status_code出现次数
mysql> select url,status,count(*) from accesslog group by url,status;
| url | status | count(*) |
| /backup.sh | 404 | 1 |
| /home | 302 | 1 |
| /index | 200 | 2 |
| /login | 200 | 1 |
| /register | 200 | 1 |
| /test | 200 | 1 |
| /test.txt | 404 | 1 |
| /upload.php | 200 | 1 |
+-------------+--------+----------+ # ip访问次数大于等于1
mysql> select ip,count(*) from accesslog group by ip having count(*)>=1;
| ip | count(*) |
| | 1 |
| | 1 |
| | 1 |
| | 1 |
| | 1 |
| | 1 |
| | 1 |
| | 1 |
| | 1 |
+---------+----------+ # 每一天的访问量
mysql> select date_format(logtime,'%Y-%m-%d') as log_day,count(*) as cnt from accesslog group by log_day;
| log_day | cnt |
| 2020-06-05 | 18 |
+------------+-----+ mysql> select date_format(logtime,'%Y-%m-%d') as log_day,count(*) as cnt from accesslog group by log_day order by cnt desc; create table score(
id bigint primary key auto_increment,
day date not null comment '日期',
name varchar(32) not null default '' comment '姓名',
score float not null default 0 comment '分数'
)engine=innodb default charset utf8mb4; insert into score(day,name,score) values
('2020-05-27','Deirdre',6); # 求和
mysql> select name,sum(score) from score group by name;
| name | sum(score) |
| Amaris | 6 |
| Cassiel | 6 |
| Deirdre | 6 |
| Gina | 6 |
| haba | 4 |
| wunai | 5 |
| xiaobai | 3 |
| youmen | 2 |
+---------+------------+ # 最小值,最大值,平均值
mysql> select name,sum(score),max(score),min(score),avg(score) from score group by name;
| name | sum(score) | max(score) | min(score) | avg(score) |
| Amaris | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
| Cassiel | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
| Deirdre | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
| Gina | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
| haba | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
| wunai | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| xiaobai | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
| youmen | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
+---------+------------+------------+------------+------------+ # 每一天的总分 # 联查 # 多张表进行查询数据
left join on
inner join on
right join on create table user(
id bigint primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(32) not null default '',
status int not null default 0 comment '0:在职,1:离职'
)engine=innodb default charset utf8mb4; alter table task add column user bigint; insert into user(name,status) values
('wunai',0); insert into task(name,content,deadline_time,user) values
('睡觉','',now(),2); # 每个人(名字)未完成的任务



// MySQL: github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
// PostgreSQL:github.com/lib/pq
// Sqlite3:github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 go get github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql


// 1. 支持G语言的所有类型存储
// 2. CRUD操作简单
// 3. 自动Join关联表
// 4. 允许直接使用SQL查询


  1. 测试框架Mocha与断言expect
  2. HttpCookie加匿名类实现多语言
  3. 【原】iOS学习38网络之数据解析
  4. C#实现XML文件数据库存储
  5. [改善Java代码]适当设置阻塞队列长度
  6. SQLite入门与分析(三)---内核概述(1)
  7. ios专题 - APP设计流程
  8. 【stm32】实现STM32的串口数据发送和printf函数重定向
  9. Unhandled Exxception “Unhandled exception type IOException”?
  10. c++,operator=
  11. hdu 1712 (分组背包入门)
  12. Some 3D Graphics (rgl) for Classification with Splines and Logistic Regression (from The Elements of Statistical Learning)(转)
  13. 快速搭建一个Fabric 1.0的环境
  14. activemq修改端口
  15. 【版本更新】开发工具DevExtreme发布v18.2.7|附下载
  16. LeetCode算法题-Find All Anagrams in a String(Java实现)
  17. Step2:SQL Server 复制事务发布
  18. 简单介绍RPM包制作方法
  19. FileSystemResource在Srping FrameWork 5中的变化
  20. Activity的setResult方法


  1. day38 作业
  2. SpringCloud组件的停更和替换说明
  3. 介绍下 npm 模块安装机制,为什么输入 npm install 就可以自动安装对应的模块?
  4. Oracle表的基本查询
  5. java 面向对象(九):类的结构:构造器(一)简介;属性赋值顺序;JavaBean的概念
  6. web CSS3 实现3D旋转木马
  7. Spring入门案例
  8. SpringCloud或SpringBoot+Mybatis-Plus利用AOP+mybatis插件实现数据操作记录及更新对比
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  10. HashMap 中 get,put 方法源码实现