Setting Up the Action Bar

建立Action Bar

This lesson teaches you to


  1. Support Android 3.0 and Above Only

    仅仅支持Android 3.0及以上

  2. Support Android 2.1 and Above

    支持Android 2.1及其以上

You should also read


  • Setting Up the Support Library

建立Support Library(支持类库)

In its most basic form, the action bar displays the title for the activity and the app icon on the left. Even in this simple form, the action bar is useful for all activities to inform users about where they are and to maintain a consistent identity for your app.

在它的最基本的形式中,action bar展示的是activity的标题,在标题左边是应用的图标。即使是在这种简单的形式中,action bar也是有用的,它可以在所有的activities中向用户通知他们当前在哪儿,并且可以始终保持一个对应你的应用程序的身份。

Figure 1. An action bar with the app icon and activity title.

图1 拥有一个应用程序图标和activity标题的action bar

Setting up a basic action bar requires that your app use an activity theme that enables the action bar. How to request such a theme depends on which version of Android is the lowest supported by your app. So this lesson is divided into two sections depending on which Android version is your lowest supported.

建立一个基本的action bar需要你的应用程序使用一个能够启用action bar的activity theme(activity主题)。如何请求这样一个主题取决于你的应用程序所支持的最低的Android版本是哪个。因此这堂课分成两节,根据你支持的最低的Android版本。

Support Android 3.0 and Above Only

仅仅支持Android 3.0及以上

Beginning with Android 3.0 (API level 11), the action bar is included in all activities that use the Theme.Holo theme (or one of its descendants), which is the default theme when either the targetSdkVersion or minSdkVersion attribute is set to “11” or greater.

从Android 3.0(API 11)开始,Theme.Holo主题(或者它的后代)已经把action bar包含进了所有的activities中,当你把目标SDK版本或者最低SDK版本属性设置成“11”或者更高时,这个主题便默认被选择了。

So to add the action bar to your activities, simply set either attribute to 11 or higher. For example:

因此要把action bar添加到你的activities中,只要设置任何一个属性到 11 或者更高就行。例如:

<manifest ... >
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="11" ... />

Note: If you’ve created a custom theme, be sure it uses one of the Theme.Holo themes a 11d9 s its parent. For details, see Styling the Action Bar.

注意:如果你已经创建了一个自定义主题,请确保它使用Theme.Holo主题作为它的父母。更多详情,请看Styling the Action Bar。

Now the Theme.Holo theme is applied to your app and all activities show the action bar. That’s it.

现在你的应用程序已经应用了Theme.Holo主题了,所有的activities都会展现action bar了。这就是所有了。

Support Android 2.1 and Above

支持Android 2.1及其更高

Adding the action bar when running on versions older than Android 3.0 (down to Android 2.1) requires that you include the Android Support Library in your application.

当运行在一个Android 3.0以下(2.1以上)的版本上时,如果要添加一个action bar需要在你的应用程序中引用Android Support Library。

To get started, read the Support Library Setup document and set up the v7 appcompat library (once you’ve downloaded the library package, follow the instructions for Adding libraries with resources).

在开始以前,请阅读Support Library Setup文档,配置 v7 appcompat 工程(你曾经下载过这个工程包,跟着Adding Libraries with resources进行。)

Once you have the Support Library integrated with your app project:


  1. Update your activity so that it extends ActionBarActivity. For example:


    public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity { ... }
  2. In your manifest file, update either the element or individual

    elements to use one of the Theme.AppCompat themes. For example:

    在你的manifest文件中,更新< application>元素或者只更新个别的< activity>元素,让它们使用Theme.AppCompat主题中的一个。例如:

    <activity android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light" ... >

Note: If you’ve created a custom theme, be sure it uses one of the Theme.AppCompat themes as its parent. For details, see Styling the Action Bar.

注意:如果你已经创建了一个自定义主题,请确保它使用Theme.AppCompat主题中的一个作为它的父母。想获取更多内容,请看Styling the Action Bar。

Now your activity includes the action bar when running on Android 2.1 (API level 7) or higher.

现在当你在Android 2.1(API 7)或者以上运行时,你的activity中就包含了action bar。

Remember to properly set your app’s API level support in the manifest:


<manifest ... >
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="7" android:targetSdkVersion="18" />

Next: Adding Action Buttons




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