Chapter 2 : a short introduction how to build the code including the required software and how to run the NAO with our software.

Chapter 3:describes our framework’s architecture.

Chapter 4:image processing approaches are presented.

Chapter 5:the state estimation approaches.

Chapter 6:explains the use of our behavior description language and gives an overview of the behavior used at RoboCup 2016.

Chapter 7 and Chapter 8:Surveys of the sensor reading and motion control parts of the system.

Chapter 9 : Our specific developments for the sub-competitions and the technical challenges are described.

Chapter 10 : simulation and remote control environment SimRobot, the B-Human User Shell, and some other tools are presented.










  1. 关于jqGrig如何写自定义格式化函数将JSON数据的字符串转换为表格各个列的值
  2. [推荐]移动H5前端性能优化指南
  3. INFO - InstallShield中的InstallScript工程Setup.exe /s的使用细节
  4. CSS3——3D效果
  5. NGINX的奇淫技巧 —— 5. NGINX实现金盾防火墙的功能(防CC)
  6. PE 文件
  7. poj 2253 Frogger【最小生成树变形】【kruskal】
  8. CentOS磁盘分区、格式化并挂载外置存储的方法
  9. 删除Lb重复的数,用La输出(顺序表)
  10. BitNami Redmine Stack
  11. ORA-00020的思考
  12. iOS 原生模块 给 Javascript(ReactNative) 发送事件 (通知监听)
  13. BeautifulSoup 抓取网站url
  14. angularjs promise详解
  15. 从零单排学Redis【铂金二】
  16. P2678 跳石头---(二分答案)
  17. sench touch 时间插件 扩展
  18. [leetcode]Triangle @ Python
  19. 小结java自带的跟锁相关的一些类
  20. SSRS配置


  1. 编解码器的学习笔记(十):Ogg系列
  2. mac下安装配置java jdk,maven,resin
  3. 简单的三层 webForm使用Ninject实现Ioc
  4. IOS UI 第三篇:基本UI
  5. Linq无聊练习系列4--join练习
  6. c# in deep 之LINQ读取xml(2)
  7. 计算image 积分图
  8. .NET中操作IPicture、IPictureDisp
  9. ios开发实践之UIDatePicker(已对之前无法解决的问题做了解答)
  10. JavaScript 面向对象编程(三)如何写类和子类