

How to Disable Logging to the Sqlnet.log and the Listener.log (Doc ID 162675.1)


Oracle Net Services

Information in this document applies to any platform.

Checked for relevance on 15-Jan-2012


Disable Client / Server logging

To disable Oracle Net logging to the sqlnet.log file, add the following parameters

and values to the SQLNET.ORA file:

Unix: LOG_DIRECTORY_CLIENT = /dev/null OR LOG_FILE_CLIENT = /dev/null


Default  location of the net admin files is ORACLE_HOME/network/admin

Any process already running will continue to log to the sqlnet.log file, untill it is restarted.

Disable Listener Logging

Method 1.

In order to disable logging without stopping the listener, using the LSNRCTL command as follows:

LSNRCTL>set current_listener <listener_name> (if not using default LISTENER)



If you're trying to disable listener logging temporarily, do not issue SAVE_CONFIG.

Once listener logging is disabled, you can now safely delete or archive the existing listener log.

To restore logging again and/or to create a new listener log, simply enable logging as follows:

LSNRCTL>set current_listener <listener_name> (if not using default LISTENER)


Method 2.

You can also edit the LISTENER.ORA file and set LOGGING_<listener_name> to OFF LOGGING_<listener_name>=OFF

This requires that a lsnrctl reload or restart take place in order to pick up the changes.

Listener.ora file location can be found with command lsnrctl status, showing the file is use by the listener.

Warning! Disabling Oracle Net logging is not recommended and should only be used under particular circumstances and/or under instruction by Oracle Support.


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