A single-cell molecular map of mouse gastrulation and early organogenesis

Here we report the transcriptional profiles of 116,312 single cells from mouse embryos collected at nine sequential time points ranging from 6.5 to 8.5 days post-fertilization.



Data availability
Raw sequencing data are available on ArrayExpress with the following accessions: Atlas: E-MTAB-6967; Smart-seq2 endothelial cells: E-MTAB-6970; Tal1−/− chimaeras: E-MTAB-7325; wild-type chimaeras: E-MTAB-7324. Processed data may be downloaded following the instructions at https://github.com/MarioniLab/EmbryoTimecourse2018. Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) accession GSE87038 was used to support the annotation of myeloid cells (see Methods). All code is available upon request, and at https://github.com/MarioniLab/EmbryoTimecourse2018. Our atlas can be explored at https://marionilab.cruk.cam.ac.uk/MouseGastrulation2018/. All other data are available from the corresponding authors on reasonable request.



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