



2.In a B+ tree, leaves and nonleaf nodes have some key values in common.


3.A 2-3 tree with 12 leaves may have at most 10 nonleaf nodes.








2.Among the following statements, which one does NOT satisfy the definition of a B tree of order m?

    A.All the leaf nodes are linked by pointers

    B.The root has at most m subtrees

    C.All the leaf nodes are on the same level

    D.Inside each node, the keys are arranged in sorted order






4.After deleting 9 from the 2-3 tree given in the figure, which one of the following statements is FALSE?

    A.the root is full

    B.the second key stored in the root is 6

    C.6 and 8 are in the same node

    D.6 and 5 are in the same node

5.Which of the following statements concerning a B+ tree of order M is TRUE?

    A.the root always has between 2 and M children

    B.not all leaves are at the same depth

    C.leaves and nonleaf nodes have some key values in common

    D.all nonleaf nodes have between ⌈M/2⌉ and M children






10.Which one of the following is NOT true about B+ trees and AVL trees: they are both __。

    A.balanced binary trees

    B.fit for sequential searches

    C.fit for random searches

    D.fit for range searches

13.高度为 5 的 3 阶 B 树含有的关键字个数至少是:





14.The minimum number of keys in a B tree with order 3 and height 5 is __.





15.After inserting 0 into the 2-3 tree given in the figure, how many of the following statements are FALSE?

  • (S1) The tree grows higher;
  • (S2) 2 and 4 are in the same interior node;
  • (S3) the root node still contains 9 only;
  • (S4) the interior node containing 12 keeps unchanged.




16.在图中给定的 2-3 树中插入 0,以下描述有几句是错误的?

  • (S1) 树变高了;
  • (S2) 2 和 4 在同一个内部结点里;
  • (S3) 根结点仍然只包含 9;
  • (S4) 包含 12 的那个内部结点没有改变。




17.下面关于B-和B+树的叙述中,不正确的是( )。





18.m阶B-树是一棵( )。





19.To sort N records by merge sort, the worst-case time complexity is:





20.To sort N records by merge sort, the space complexity is:






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