Airless Pump Bottle    protect sensitive products such as natural skin creams, serums, foundations and other preservative-free creams from over-exposure to the air, extending the shelf life of the product by more than 15%. This makes airless technology a new future for cosmetics, beauty and medical packaging.

The airless bottle has no dip tube, but a rising diaphragm to evacuate the product. When the user presses the pump, it creates a vacuum effect and pulls the product up. Consumers can use almost any product without leaving any waste, and they don't have to worry about the standard pump problem not being applicable to many products.

In addition to protecting your formula and extending shelf life, cylinders offer brand benefits. It is a high-end packaging solution with a variety of designs to suit your aesthetic positioning.

- Double walls provide extra protection while creating a luxurious look.

- The transparent plastic wall bottle shows that the color of the product is a high quality quality foundation cream.

- Double airless bottles allow two different ingredients to be packaged together.

What is the new vacuum pump technology?

Eliminate all metal components

- The new airless pump has an external metal spring that keeps sensitive skin care products from direct contact with metal.

No backflow - The new technology eliminates the backflow problem, which occurs when air flows back to the bottle after pumping.


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