* UnionFind.h
* 有两种实现方式,QuickFind和QuickUnion
* QuickFind:
* 查找O(1)
* 合并O(n)
* QuickUnion:(建议使用)
* 查找O(logn)可优化至O(a(n)),a(n)<5
* 合并O(logn)可优化至O(a(n)),a(n)<5
* Created on: 2020年2月13日
* Author: LuYonglei
*/ //由于QuickFind平均时间复杂度不理想,所以本文件只用QuickUnion来实现
#include <assert.h>
#define DEFAULT_CAPACITY 10 class UnionFind {
UnionFind(int capacity) :
capacity_(capacity > ? capacity : DEFAULT_CAPACITY), parents(
new int[capacity > ? capacity : DEFAULT_CAPACITY]), ranks(
new int[capacity > ? capacity : DEFAULT_CAPACITY]) {
for (int i = ; i < capacity_; i++) {
parents[i] = i;
ranks[i] = ; //以i为根节点的树的高度
} ~UnionFind() {
delete[] parents;
delete[] ranks;
} int findParent(int value) {
assert(value < capacity_ && value >= );
while (value != parents[value]) {
parents[value] = parents[parents[value]];
value = parents[value];
return value;
} void unionValue(int leftValue, int rightValue) {
int leftParent = findParent(leftValue);
int rightParent = findParent(rightValue);
if (leftParent == rightParent)
if (ranks[leftParent] < ranks[rightParent]) {
parents[leftParent] = rightParent;
} else if (ranks[rightParent] > ranks[leftParent]) {
parents[rightParent] = leftParent;
} else {
parents[leftParent] = rightParent;
ranks[rightParent] += ;
} bool isSame(int leftValue, int rightValue) {
return findParent(leftValue) == findParent(rightValue);
} private:
int capacity_;
int *parents;
int *ranks;
}; #endif /* SRC_UNIONFIND_H_ */


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