

     protected void sort(int[] toSort) {
for (int i = toSort.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
CommonUtils.swap(toSort, 0, i);
adjustHeap(toSort, 0, i);
} /**
* @param toSort
* array of heap, begins from 0
* @param index
* index to adjust
* @param size
* size of heap
private void adjustHeap(int[] toSort, int index, int size) {
int leftNode = index * 2 + 1;
int rightNode = leftNode + 1; int maxIndex = index;
if (leftNode < size && toSort[leftNode] > toSort[maxIndex]) {
maxIndex = leftNode;
if (rightNode < size && toSort[rightNode] > toSort[maxIndex]) {
maxIndex = rightNode;
if (maxIndex != index) {
CommonUtils.swap(toSort, index, maxIndex);
adjustHeap(toSort, maxIndex, size);
} } /**
* @param toSort
* array to sort
private void buildHeap(int[] toSort) {
int lastNonLeaf = toSort.length / 2 - 1;
for (int i = lastNonLeaf; i >= 0; i--) {
adjustHeap(toSort, i, toSort.length);

Heap sort






Number to Sort is:2500
Array to sort is:{419836,72576,347420,355422,378503,65556,443634,137868,266344,918856...}
Cost time of 【HeapSort】 is(milliseconds):1
Sort result of 【HeapSort】:{185,874,996,1232,1448,2357,2728,2854,3137,3291...}
Number to Sort is:25000
Array to sort is:{169570,655593,54301,59080,890711,224726,720131,590749,600165,681962...}
Cost time of 【HeapSort】 is(milliseconds):7
Sort result of 【HeapSort】:{9,107,119,192,297,321,338,359,359,362...}
Number to Sort is:250000
Array to sort is:{233097,327821,972339,26697,803510,598167,178244,117664,904299,195258...}
Cost time of 【HeapSort】 is(milliseconds):59
Sort result of 【HeapSort】:{0,1,3,8,16,24,32,37,45,52...}


 package com.cnblogs.riyueshiwang.sort;

 import java.util.Arrays;

 public class HeapSort extends abstractSort {
protected void sort(int[] toSort) {
for (int i = toSort.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
CommonUtils.swap(toSort, 0, i);
adjustHeap(toSort, 0, i);
} /**
* @param toSort
* array of heap, begins from 0
* @param index
* index to adjust
* @param size
* size of heap
private void adjustHeap(int[] toSort, int index, int size) {
int leftNode = index * 2 + 1;
int rightNode = leftNode + 1; int maxIndex = index;
if (leftNode < size && toSort[leftNode] > toSort[maxIndex]) {
maxIndex = leftNode;
if (rightNode < size && toSort[rightNode] > toSort[maxIndex]) {
maxIndex = rightNode;
if (maxIndex != index) {
CommonUtils.swap(toSort, index, maxIndex);
adjustHeap(toSort, maxIndex, size);
} } /**
* @param toSort
* array to sort
private void buildHeap(int[] toSort) {
int lastNonLeaf = toSort.length / 2 - 1;
for (int i = lastNonLeaf; i >= 0; i--) {
adjustHeap(toSort, i, toSort.length);
} public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int j = 0, n = 2500; j < 3; j++, n = n * 10) {
System.out.println("Number to Sort is:" + n);
int[] array = CommonUtils.getRandomIntArray(n, 1000000);
System.out.print("Array to sort is:");
CommonUtils.printIntArray(array); int[] array1 = Arrays.copyOf(array, n);
new HeapSort().sortAndprint(array1);



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