下面以查询每门课程分数最高的学生以及成绩为例,演示如何查询 top N记录。下图是测试数据,表结构和相关 insert 脚本见《常用SQL之日期格式化和查询重复数据》。


select a.name,a.course,a.score from test1 a,
(select course,max(score) score from test1 group by course) b
WHERE a.course=b.course and a.score=b.score;



select name,course,score from test1 a
where a.score=(select max(score) from test1 where a.course=test1.course); 或者 select name,course,score from test1 a
where not exists(select 1 from test1 where a.course=course and a.score < score); 或者 select a.* from test1 a
where 1>(select count(*) from test1 where course=a.course and score>a.score);


TOP N(N>1)

以N=2为例,演示如何查询TOP N(N>1)。

使用union all

如果结果集比较小,可以用程序查询单个分组结果后拼凑,也可以使用 union all。

(select name,course,score from test1 where course='语文' order by score desc limit 2)
union all
(select name,course,score from test1 where course='数学' order by score desc limit 2)
union all
(select name,course,score from test1 where course='英语' order by score desc limit 2);


select a.name,a.course,a.score
from test1 a left join test1 b on a.course=b.course and a.score<b.score
group by a.name,a.course,a.score
having count(b.id)<2
order by a.course,a.score desc;

两个表做连接查询,笛卡尔积,然后用having count(b.id)筛选出比当前条数大的条数。


select a.* from test1 a
where 2>(select count(*) from test1 where course=a.course and score>a.score)
order by a.course,a.score desc;



select * from test1 a where exists(select count(*) as sum from
test1 b where b.course=a.course and b.score>a.score having sum <2)
order by a.course,a.score desc;


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