
    private RedisTemplate<String,Object> redisTemplate;
private HashOperations<String,String,Object> opsForHash; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
public void before(){
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("/applicationContext.xml");
redisTemplate = (RedisTemplate<String,Object>)context.getBean("redisTemplate");
opsForHash = redisTemplate.opsForHash();
void put(H key, HK hashKey, HV value);
Map< HK, HV > entries(H key);
public void testPut(){
opsForHash.put("he1", "key1", "a");
opsForHash.put("he1", "key2", "b");
opsForHash.put("he1", "key3", "c");
Map<String, Object> entries = opsForHash.entries("he1");
System.out.println(entries);//{key3=c, key1=a, key2=b}(无序)
void putAll(H key, Map< ? extends HK, ? extends HV > m);
public void testPutAll(){
Map<String,Object> param = new HashMap<String,Object>();
param.put("key1", "a");
param.put("key2", "b");
param.put("key3", "c");
opsForHash.putAll("he2", param);
System.out.println(opsForHash.entries("he2"));//{key2=b, key1=a, key3=c}
Long delete(H key, Object… hashKeys);
public void testDelete(){
Map<String,Object> param = new HashMap<String,Object>();
param.put("key1", "a");
param.put("key2", "b");
param.put("key3", "c");
opsForHash.putAll("he3", param);
System.out.println(opsForHash.entries("he3"));//{key3=c, key2=b, key1=a}
opsForHash.delete("he3", "key1");
System.out.println(opsForHash.entries("he3"));//{key2=b, key3=c}
Boolean hasKey(H key, Object hashKey);
public void testHashKey(){
Map<String,Object> param = new HashMap<String,Object>();
param.put("key1", "a");
param.put("key2", "b");
param.put("key3", "c");
opsForHash.putAll("he4", param);
System.out.println(opsForHash.hasKey("he", "key2"));//false
System.out.println(opsForHash.hasKey("he4", "key4"));//false
System.out.println(opsForHash.hasKey("he4", "key2"));//true
HV get(H key, Object hashKey);
public void testGet(){
Map<String,Object> param = new HashMap<String,Object>();
param.put("key1", "a");
param.put("key2", "b");
param.put("key3", "c");
opsForHash.putAll("he5", param);
System.out.println(opsForHash.get("he5", "key1"));//a
System.out.println(opsForHash.get("he5", "key"));//null
List< HV > multiGet(H key, Collection< HK > hashKeys);
public void testMultiGet(){
Map<String,Object> param = new HashMap<String,Object>();
param.put("key1", "a");
param.put("key2", "b");
param.put("key3", "c");
opsForHash.putAll("he6", param);
List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
System.out.println(opsForHash.multiGet("he6", keys));//[a, null, b]
Long increment(H key, HK hashKey, long delta);
Double increment(H key, HK hashKey, double delta);
public void testIncrement(){
Map<String,Object> param = new HashMap<String,Object>();
param.put("key1", "a");
param.put("key2", "b");
param.put("key3", "c");
param.put("key4", 4);
opsForHash.putAll("he7", param);
System.out.println(opsForHash.increment("he7", "key4", 1));//
System.out.println(opsForHash.increment("he7", "key4", 1.1));//6.1
try {
opsForHash.increment("he7", "key1", 1);//ERR hash value is not an integer
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
opsForHash.increment("he7", "key1", 1.1);//ERR hash value is not a float
} catch (Exception e) {
Set< HK > keys(H key);
public void testKeys(){
Map<String,Object> param = new HashMap<String,Object>();
param.put("key4", "d");
param.put("key1", "a");
param.put("key3", "c");
param.put("key5", "e");
param.put("key2", "b");
opsForHash.putAll("he8", param);
Set<String> keys = opsForHash.keys("he8");
System.out.println(keys);//[key4, key3, key5, key2, key1]
Long size(H key);
public void testSize(){
Map<String,Object> param = new HashMap<String,Object>();
param.put("key4", "d");
param.put("key1", "a");
param.put("key3", "c");
param.put("key5", "e");
param.put("key2", "b");
opsForHash.putAll("he9", param);
Boolean putIfAbsent(H key, HK hashKey, HV value);
public void testPutIfAbsent(){
System.out.println(opsForHash.putIfAbsent("he10", "key1", "a"));//true
System.out.println(opsForHash.putIfAbsent("he10", "key1", "a"));//false
List< HV > values(H key);
public void testValues(){
Map<String,Object> param = new HashMap<String,Object>();
param.put("key4", "d");
param.put("key1", "a");
param.put("key3", "c");
param.put("key5", "e");
param.put("key2", "b");
opsForHash.putAll("he11", param);
List<Object> values = opsForHash.values("he11");
System.out.println(values);//[d, c, e, b, a]
Cursor< Map.Entry< HK, HV >> scan(H key, ScanOptions options);
public void testScan(){
Map<String,Object> param = new HashMap<String,Object>();
param.put("key4", "d");
param.put("key1", "a");
param.put("key3", "c");
param.put("key5", "e");
param.put("key2", "b");
opsForHash.putAll("he13", param);
Cursor<Map.Entry<String, Object>> curosr = opsForHash.scan("he13", ScanOptions.NONE);
Map.Entry<String, Object> entry = curosr.next();



  1. PRML
  2. 【读书笔记】iOS-内存释放
  3. mycat未配置对应表导致报错
  4. HashCode作用
  5. Java基础--访问权限控制符
  6. Mybatis拦截器介绍
  7. HDU5780 gcd 欧拉函数
  8. char 和 varchar
  9. 关于WINDOWS命令
  10. VC++ SetLayeredWindowAttributes 部分窗口透明鼠标穿透
  11. HDU 3988 Harry Potter and the Hide Story(数论-整数和素数)
  12. 使用Python脚本操作MongoDB的教程
  13. jQuery系列 第六章 jQuery框架事件处理
  14. Java基础---Java---基础加强---类加载器、委托机制、AOP、 动态代理技术、让动态生成的类成为目标类的代理、实现Spring可配置的AOP框架
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  17. 转载:浅谈 Scala 中下划线的用途
  18. Linux:编译安装boost 1.69库
  19. 【题解】Luogu P5072 [Ynoi2015]盼君勿忘
  20. 题解——CF Manthan, Codefest 18 (rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) T2(模拟)


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