
In [1]: winpath = 'C:\tmp'

In [2]: print winpath
C: mp In [3]: winpath = 'C:\\tmp' #\t 会变成空格,所以需要加一个'\',转义符号 In [4]: winpath
Out[4]: 'C:\\tmp' In [5]: print winpath
C:\tmp In [6]: wpath = r'C:\tmp' #或者加'r' In [7]: print wpath


In [11]: hi = 'hello world'

In [12]: hi.capitalize()               #句首的单词首字母大写
Out[12]: 'Hello world' In [13]: hi.title() #报纸的标题,每个单子首字母大写
Out[13]: 'Hello World' In [14]: hi.center(20) #居中 ,不够的用空格补上
Out[14]: ' hello world ' In [15]: hi.center(20,'+')
Out[15]: '++++hello world+++++' In [16]: hi.ljust(20) #左对齐
Out[16]: 'hello world       ' In [17]: hi.ljust(20,'#')
Out[17]: 'hello world#########' In [18]: hi.rjust(20) #右对齐
Out[18]: '      hello world' In [19]: hi.rjust(20,'#')
Out[19]: '#########hello world' In [20]: hi.count('l') ####统计出现的次数,‘l’ 出现3次 Out[20]: 3 In [21]: hi.count('ll') ####统计出现的次数,‘ll’ 出现1次
Out[21]: 1 In [22]: hi = 'hello world!' In [25]: hi.startswith('h') #########判断以什么开头,正确返回true,错误返回false
Out[25]: True In [26]: hi.startswith('hello')
Out[26]: True In [23]: hi.endswith('!') #########判断以什么结尾,正确返回true,错误返回false
Out[23]: True

In [42]: hi = '  hello   world   '   

In [46]: hi.strip().split()      #strip() 去除字符串左右两边的空格,split() 什么都不加,默认以空格为分隔符
Out[46]: ['hello', 'world'] In [47]: mylist = ['hello', 'world'] In [48]: '.'.join(mylist) ###有切割,就有拼接
Out[48]: 'hello.world' In [49]: '/'.join(mylist)
Out[49]: 'hello/world' In [50]: ''.join(mylist)
Out[50]: 'helloworld' In [51]: '\t'.join(mylist)
Out[51]: 'hello\tworld' In [52]: ' '.join(mylist)
Out[52]: 'hello world' In [53]: ' '.join(mylist)
Out[53]: 'hello world'


In [54]: hi.
hi.capitalize hi.endswith hi.isalnum hi.istitle hi.lstrip hi.rjust hi.splitlines hi.translate
hi.center hi.expandtabs hi.isalpha hi.isupper hi.partition hi.rpartition hi.startswith hi.upper
hi.count hi.find hi.isdigit hi.join hi.replace hi.rsplit hi.strip hi.zfill
hi.decode hi.format hi.islower hi.ljust hi.rfind hi.rstrip hi.swapcase
hi.encode hi.index hi.isspace hi.lower hi.rindex hi.split hi.title In [54]: hi.
hi.capitalize hi.endswith hi.isalnum hi.istitle hi.lstrip hi.rjust hi.splitlines hi.translate
hi.center hi.expandtabs hi.isalpha hi.isupper hi.partition hi.rpartition hi.startswith hi.upper
hi.count hi.find hi.isdigit hi.join hi.replace hi.rsplit hi.strip hi.zfill
hi.decode hi.format hi.islower hi.ljust hi.rfind hi.rstrip hi.swapcase
hi.encode hi.index hi.isspace hi.lower hi.rindex hi.split hi.title In [54]: help(hi.format)
Help on built-in function format: format(...)
S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> string In [55]: help(hi.replace)
Help on built-in function replace: replace(...)
S.replace(old, new[, count]) -> string Return a copy of string S with all occurrences of substring
old replaced by new. If the optional argument count is
given, only the first count occurrences are replaced.



In [56]: alist = [10,20,30,40]

In [57]: alist[1:3]
Out[57]: [20, 30]

In [58]: alist[1:3] = [2,3]

In [59]: alist
Out[59]: [10, 2, 3, 40]

[root@master script]# vim stack.py
# coding:utf-8 stack = [] def pushit():
item = raw_input('item:')
def popit():
stack.pop() def viewit():
print stack def show_menu():
CMDs = {'':pushit,'':popit,'':viewit} ###这个方法很好用
prompt = """(0) push it
(1) pop it
(2) view it
(3) quit
Please input your choice(0/1/2/3):""" while True:
choice = raw_input(prompt).strip()[0]
if choice not in '':
print 'Invalid input,Try again'
if choice == '':
elif choice == '0':
elif choice == '1':
elif choice == '2':
CMDs[choice]() #字典型函数调用 if __name__ == '__main__':


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