
# _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
# @Time : 2017/3/27 17:39
# @Author : otfsenter
# @File : msg_box.py #coding:utf-8
# PyMsgBox - A simple, cross-platform, pure Python module for JavaScript-like message boxes.
# Al Sweigart al@inventwithpython.com # Modified BSD License
# Derived from Stephen Raymond Ferg's EasyGui http://easygui.sourceforge.net/ """
The four functions in PyMsgBox: - alert(text='', title='', button='OK') Displays a simple message box with text and a single OK button. Returns the text of the button clicked on. - confirm(text='', title='', buttons=['OK', 'Cancel']) Displays a message box with OK and Cancel buttons. Number and text of buttons can be customized. Returns the text of the button clicked on. - prompt(text='', title='' , default='') Displays a message box with text input, and OK & Cancel buttons. Returns the text entered, or None if Cancel was clicked. - password(text='', title='', default='', mask='*') Displays a message box with text input, and OK & Cancel buttons. Typed characters appear as *. Returns the text entered, or None if Cancel was clicked.
""" """
TODO Roadmap:
- Be able to specify a custom icon in the message box.
- Be able to place the message box at an arbitrary position (including on multi screen layouts)
- Add mouse clicks to unit testing.
- progress() function to display a progress bar
- Maybe other types of dialog: open, save, file/folder picker, etc.
""" __version__ = '1.0.4' import sys
RUNNING_PYTHON_2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
import Tkinter as tk
import ttk
import tkinter as tk rootWindowPosition = '+150+100' if tk.TkVersion < 8.0 :
raise RuntimeError('You are running Tk version: ' + str(tk.TkVersion) + 'You must be using Tk version 8.0 or greater to use PyMsgBox.') # PROPORTIONAL_FONT_FAMILY = ('MS', 'Sans', 'Serif')
MONOSPACE_FONT_SIZE = 9 #a little smaller, because it it more legible at a smaller size
TEXT_ENTRY_FONT_SIZE = 12 # a little larger makes it easier to see STANDARD_SELECTION_EVENTS = ['Return', 'Button-1', 'space'] # Initialize some global variables that will be reset later
__choiceboxMultipleSelect = None
__widgetTexts = None
__replyButtonText = None
__choiceboxResults = None
__firstWidget = None
__enterboxText = None
__multenterboxText = ''
choiceboxChoices = None
choiceboxWidget = None
entryWidget = None
boxRoot = None
buttonsFrame = None def alert(text='', title='', button='OK', root=None):
"""Displays a simple message box with text and a single OK button. Returns the text of the button clicked on."""
return _buttonbox(msg=text, title=title, choices=[str(button)], root=root) def confirm(text='', title='', buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'], root=None):
"""Displays a message box with OK and Cancel buttons. Number and text of buttons can be customized. Returns the text of the button clicked on."""
return _buttonbox(msg=text, title=title, choices=[str(b) for b in buttons], root=root) def prompt(text='', title='' , default='', root=None):
"""Displays a message box with text input, and OK & Cancel buttons. Returns the text entered, or None if Cancel was clicked."""
return __fillablebox(text, title, default=default, mask=None,root=root) def password(text='', title='', default='', mask='*', root=None):
"""Displays a message box with text input, and OK & Cancel buttons. Typed characters appear as *. Returns the text entered, or None if Cancel was clicked."""
return __fillablebox(text, title, default, mask=mask, root=root) #import pymsgbox.native as native # This needs to be after the above functions so that the unimplmeneted native functions can default back to the above functions.
#native # dummy line just to make lint stop complaining about the previous line def _buttonbox(msg, title, choices, root=None):
Display a msg, a title, and a set of buttons.
The buttons are defined by the members of the choices list.
Return the text of the button that the user selected. @arg msg: the msg to be displayed.
@arg title: the window title
@arg choices: a list or tuple of the choices to be displayed
global boxRoot, __replyButtonText, __widgetTexts, buttonsFrame # Initialize __replyButtonText to the first choice.
# This is what will be used if the window is closed by the close button.
__replyButtonText = choices[0] if root:
boxRoot = tk.Toplevel(master=root)
boxRoot = tk.Tk()
boxRoot.withdraw() boxRoot.title(title)
boxRoot.resizable(False, False)
boxRoot.minsize(220, 120) # ------------- define the messageFrame ---------------------------------
messageFrame = tk.Frame(master=boxRoot)
messageFrame.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH) # ------------- define the buttonsFrame ---------------------------------
buttonsFrame = tk.Frame(master=boxRoot)
buttonsFrame.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.BOTH, pady=20) # -------------------- place the widgets in the frames -----------------------
messageWidget = tk.Message(messageFrame, text=msg, width=400)
messageWidget.pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.X, padx='3m', pady='3m') __put_buttons_in_buttonframe(choices) # -------------- the action begins -----------
# put the focus on the first button
__firstWidget.focus_force() boxRoot.deiconify()
except tk.TclError:
__replyButtonText = 'Cancel' if root: root.deiconify()
return __replyButtonText def __put_buttons_in_buttonframe(choices):
"""Put the buttons in the buttons frame"""
global __widgetTexts, __firstWidget, buttonsFrame __firstWidget = None
__widgetTexts = {} i = 0 for buttonText in choices:
tempButton = ttk.Button(buttonsFrame, takefocus=1, text=buttonText)
tempButton.pack(expand=tk.YES, side=tk.LEFT, padx='1m', pady='1m')
# ipadx='2m', ipady='1m') # remember the text associated with this widget
__widgetTexts[tempButton] = buttonText # remember the first widget, so we can put the focus there
if i == 0:
__firstWidget = tempButton
i = 1 # for the commandButton, bind activation events to the activation event handler
commandButton = tempButton
handler = __buttonEvent
for selectionEvent in STANDARD_SELECTION_EVENTS:
commandButton.bind('<%s>' % selectionEvent, handler) if 'Cancel' in choices:
commandButton.bind('<Escape>', __cancelButtonEvent) def _bindArrows(widget, skipArrowKeys=False):
widget.bind('<Down>', _tabRight)
widget.bind('<Up>' , _tabLeft) if not skipArrowKeys:
widget.bind('<Left>' , _tabLeft) def _tabRight(event):
boxRoot.event_generate('<Tab>') def _tabLeft(event):
boxRoot.event_generate('<Shift-Tab>') def __buttonEvent(event):
Handle an event that is generated by a person clicking a button.
global boxRoot, __widgetTexts, __replyButtonText
__replyButtonText = __widgetTexts[event.widget]
boxRoot.quit() # quit the main loop def __cancelButtonEvent(event):
"""Handle pressing Esc by clicking the Cancel button."""
global boxRoot, __widgetTexts, __replyButtonText
__replyButtonText = 'Cancel'
boxRoot.quit() def __fillablebox(msg, title='', default='', mask=None, root=None):
Show a box in which a user can enter some text.
You may optionally specify some default text, which will appear in the
enterbox when it is displayed.
Returns the text that the user entered, or None if he cancels the operation.
""" global boxRoot, __enterboxText, __enterboxDefaultText
global cancelButton, entryWidget, okButton if title == None:
title == ''
if default == None:
default = ''
__enterboxDefaultText = default
__enterboxText = __enterboxDefaultText if root:
boxRoot = tk.Toplevel(master=root)
boxRoot = tk.Tk()
boxRoot.withdraw() boxRoot.title(title)
boxRoot.bind('<Escape>', __enterboxCancel) # ------------- define the messageFrame ---------------------------------
messageFrame = tk.Frame(master=boxRoot)
messageFrame.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH) # ------------- define the buttonsFrame ---------------------------------
buttonsFrame = tk.Frame(master=boxRoot)
buttonsFrame.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH) # ------------- define the entryFrame ---------------------------------
entryFrame = tk.Frame(master=boxRoot)
entryFrame.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH) # ------------- define the buttonsFrame ---------------------------------
buttonsFrame = tk.Frame(master=boxRoot)
buttonsFrame.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH) #-------------------- the msg widget ----------------------------
messageWidget = tk.Message(messageFrame, width='4.5i', text=msg)
messageWidget.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, expand=1, fill=tk.BOTH, padx='3m', pady='3m') # --------- entryWidget ----------------------------------------------
entryWidget = tk.Entry(entryFrame, width=40)
_bindArrows(entryWidget, skipArrowKeys=True)
if mask:
entryWidget.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx='3m')
entryWidget.bind('<Return>', __enterboxGetText)
entryWidget.bind('<Escape>', __enterboxCancel) # put text into the entryWidget and have it pre-highlighted
if __enterboxDefaultText != '':
entryWidget.select_range(0, tk.END) # ------------------ ok button -------------------------------
okButton = tk.Button(buttonsFrame, takefocus=1, text='OK')
okButton.pack(expand=1, side=tk.LEFT, padx='3m', pady='3m', ipadx='2m', ipady='1m') # for the commandButton, bind activation events to the activation event handler
commandButton = okButton
handler = __enterboxGetText
for selectionEvent in STANDARD_SELECTION_EVENTS:
commandButton.bind('<%s>' % selectionEvent, handler) # ------------------ cancel button -------------------------------
cancelButton = tk.Button(buttonsFrame, takefocus=1, text='Cancel')
cancelButton.pack(expand=1, side=tk.RIGHT, padx='3m', pady='3m', ipadx='2m', ipady='1m') # for the commandButton, bind activation events to the activation event handler
commandButton = cancelButton
handler = __enterboxCancel
for selectionEvent in STANDARD_SELECTION_EVENTS:
commandButton.bind('<%s>' % selectionEvent, handler) # ------------------- time for action! -----------------
entryWidget.focus_force() # put the focus on the entryWidget
boxRoot.mainloop() # run it! # -------- after the run has completed ----------------------------------
if root: root.deiconify()
boxRoot.destroy() # button_click didn't destroy boxRoot, so we do it now
except tk.TclError:
return None return __enterboxText def __enterboxGetText(event):
global __enterboxText __enterboxText = entryWidget.get()
boxRoot.quit() def __enterboxRestore(event):
global entryWidget entryWidget.delete(0,len(entryWidget.get()))
entryWidget.insert(0, __enterboxDefaultText) def __enterboxCancel(event):
global __enterboxText __enterboxText = None


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