For anyone working on the UI and using VS Code, you can create a user Snippet and keyboard shortcut so that you can easily add the localization code when needed. Add the user Snippet to VS Code by going to File->Preferences->User Snippets and pasting the code below in the javascript.json file.
    "AddLocalizedString": {

"prefix": "loc",

"body": [



"description": "Add placeholder for localized string. Replace stringKey with localized string key."


To use your snippet you would type loc to insert this line in your code:    {this.props.translate('stringKey')}

then replace the stringKey text with the key of the localized string found in the en.js language file.

For example:

{this.props.translate('stringKey')} for the string 'Schedule' becomes {this.props.translate('scheduleString')}

You can also add a keyboard shortcut by going to File->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts and then clicking the link at the top to keybindings.json. Add the following to the keybindings.json file:


"key": "ctrl+l ctrl+l",

"command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",

"when": "editorTextFocus",

"args": {

"langId": "javascript",

"name": "AddLocalizedString"



When you enter ctrl+l twice, the code for localizing a string will be inserted. You can change the "key" in the shortcut above to whatever combination works for you.


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