$n \leq 50000$的序列,问选不超过$m \leq 50000$个区间使得和最大。



using namespace std; #define LL long long
int qread()
char c; int s=,f=; while ((c=getchar())<'' || c>'') (c=='-') && (f=-);
do s=s*+c-''; while ((c=getchar())>='' && c<=''); return s*f;
} //Pay attention to '-' , LL and double of qread!!!! int n,m;
#define maxn 50011
#define LL long long LL Abs(LL x) {return x>?x:-x;} int a[maxn]; LL sum[maxn];
int b[maxn],lb,ll[maxn],rr[maxn]; bool vis[maxn];
struct qnode
LL v; int id;
bool operator > (const qnode &b) const {return v>b.v;}
priority_queue<qnode,vector<qnode>,greater<qnode> > q;
int main()
n=qread(); m=qread();
for (int i=;i<=n;i++) a[i]=qread();
int L=,R=n; while (a[L]<=) L++; while (a[R]<=) R--;
for (int i=L,j=;i<=R;i++,j++) a[j]=a[i];
n=R-L+; a[n+]=;
for (int i=;i<=n;i++) sum[i]=sum[i-]+a[i]; LL ans=;
int cnt=;
LL tmp=a[],last=;
for (int i=;i<=n+;i++)
if (tmp> && a[i]<=)
ans+=tmp; cnt++; tmp=a[i]; last=i;
else if (tmp> && a[i]>) tmp+=a[i];
else if (tmp<= && a[i]>)
tmp=a[i]; last=i;
else tmp+=a[i];
} for (int i=;i<=lb+;i++) ll[i]=i-,rr[i]=i+; b[lb+]=n+;
if (cnt<=m) {printf("%lld\n",ans); return ;}
while (m<cnt--)
while (vis[q.top().id]) q.pop();
ans-=q.top().v; int now=q.top().id; q.pop(); if (ll[now]==)
int u=rr[now]; ll[rr[now]]=ll[now]; rr[ll[now]]=rr[now];
ll[rr[u]]=ll[u]; rr[ll[u]]=rr[u];
else if (rr[now]==lb+)
int u=ll[now]; ll[rr[now]]=ll[now]; rr[ll[now]]=rr[now];
ll[rr[u]]=ll[u]; rr[ll[u]]=rr[u]; b[lb+]=b[u];
int L=b[ll[now]],R=b[rr[rr[now]]]-;
vis[ll[now]]=; vis[rr[now]]=; int u=ll[now],v=rr[now];
b[now]=L; q.push((qnode){Abs(sum[R]-sum[L-]),now});
ll[rr[u]]=ll[u]; rr[ll[u]]=rr[u];
ll[rr[v]]=ll[v]; rr[ll[v]]=rr[v];
} printf("%lld\n",ans);
return ;


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