A common scenario is to present different components based on the state of the application. Dynamic components in Vue make this simple by providing a component element that simply needs to be bound to the component that you want to render. This example shows using a select dropdown in Vue to select the component to render.

<Layout slot-scope="{header, footer}">
<AwesomeHeader slot="header" :header="header"></AwesomeHeader>
<div slot="content" class="flex-grow">
<select v-model="selectedComp">
<option v-for="comp in comps" :key="comp.name" :value="comp">{{comp.name}}</option>
<component :is="selectedComp"></component>
<AwesomeFooter slot="footer" :footer="footer"></AwesomeFooter>
</template> <script>
import Vue from "vue"
import { Component, Prop } from "vue-property-decorator"
import Settings from "./Settings"
import Layout from "./Layout"
import { Header, Footer } from "./components" const One = {
functional: true,
name: "One",
render: h => <h1 class="bg-red">One</h1>
} const Two = {
functional: true,
name: "Two",
render: h => <h1 class="bg-green">Two</h1>
} const Three = {
functional: true,
name: "Three",
render: h => <h1 class="bg-purple">Three</h1>
} @Component({
components: {
AwesomeHeader: Header,
AwesomeFooter: Footer
export default class App extends Vue {
comps = [One, Two, Three]
selectedComp = this.comps[0]


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