

ICP 全称 Index Condition Pushdown。这个特性主要是针对索引查找的优化,使得查找数据的时候,无法精确匹配的索引也会做出比较。会在存储引擎层将不满足的数据直接过滤掉。

Index Condition Pushdown is an optimization that is applied for access methods that access table data through indexes: range, ref, eq_ref,  
ref_or_null, and Batched Key Access. The idea is to check part of the WHERE condition that refers to index fields (we call it Pushed Index Condition) as soon as we've accessed the index.
If the Pushed Index Condition is not satisfied, we won't need to read the whole table record.
ICP 是一种通过索访问表数据的访问方法的优化,可以优化的类型有range,ref,eq_ref,ref_or_null。只要where后面的条件是索引,那么就可以适用于这个特性。如果ICP不满足(感觉这里应该是满足),则不用访问整个表的记录。


SET optimizer_switch='index_condition_pushdown=off' 

当ICP特性被打开之后,Explain 字段会显示 “Using index condition”

When Index Condition Pushdown is used, EXPLAIN will show "Using index condition":
MariaDB [test]> explain select * from tbl where key_col1 between 10 and 11 and key_col2 like '%foo%';
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | tbl | range | key_col1 | key_col1 | 5 | NULL | 2 | Using index condition |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

The idea behind index condition pushdown 关于ICP背后的秘密

In disk-based storage engines, making an index lookup is done in two steps, like shown on the picture:

Index Condition Pushdown optimization tries to cut down the number of full record reads by checking whether index records satisfy part of the WHERE condition that can be checked for them:
ICP特性 尝试检测where条件中的条件是否,来减少读取整个表的数据

How much speed will be gained depends on - How many records will be filtered out - How expensive it was to read them

The former depends on the query and the dataset. The latter is generally bigger when table records are on disk and/or are big, especially when they have blobs.
将获得多少速度取决于 - 多少记录将被过滤掉 - 取决于多去数据需要消耗的花费

前者取决于查询和数据集。 当表记录在磁盘上和/或是大的时候,后者通常更大,特别是当它们具有斑点时。


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