Human life is ephemera, which makes it precious.


Don't waste time on praying to the God.

There are too many prayers, he may not hear your prayer and he may not see your bearings.

Even if he has heard and seen, he is so busy that he may not be able to spare time to handle your appeal.

You must pursue what you desire mainly on your own efforts.

Though we always say 'Man proposes, God disposes', we should know that the God is willing to help those who can proactively help themselves.

Don't be so desperate, cheer up and face up to the reality bravely.

We still have the time to fight for our common dreams, yes, we have got to leap.

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.


From Auguste Rodin.

It is said that everything we have experienced, everyone we have met, would have some meaningful effects on our life.

They are not meaningless, at least they are not as naughty as we have considered.

All of them, to some extent, if handled wisely and treated with postitive attitude, always can teach us something that can help us improve our ability to deal with the future things.

Thus, let the past be past, embrace the current things and people tightly.

This week I plan to implement the Map-Location function with Qt, first I must make clear whether the QtLocation moudule can be used in Raspberry.

Maybe it can work on the Pi3. If it can't, just compile the module for embedded sytem or use other street-map-moudule.


  1. DELPHI 各版本下载
  2. solr
  3. MySQL模糊查询:LIKE模式和REGEXP模式
  4. sqlite3之基本操作(二)
  5. galera cluster DDL节点间状态不一致的问题
  6. 第12章 使用Samba或NFS实现文件共享
  7. Java基础之处理事件——添加菜单图标(Sketcher 8 with toolbar buttons and menu icons)
  8. android textview 跑马灯
  9. 集成产品开发-IPD简介
  10. auto_ptr,shared_ptr 智能指针的使用
  11. jquery使用load开展局部刷新没有效果
  12. 改动网卡IP信息
  13. iOS开发笔记 基于wsdl2objc调用 WebService
  14. sed用法小结
  15. c语言----<项目>_小游戏<2048>
  16. Linux(centos7)之更换安装python3(二)
  17. java 将小数拆分为两部分+浮点型精度丢失问题
  18. FTP文件上传以及获取ftp配置帮助类
  19. C语言-十进制转换为二进制函数
  20. php 中改变字符编码的函数 是 iconv()


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  2. hadoop学习笔记(四):HDFS
  3. 总结 vb与数据库的连接方法
  4. The type org.springframework.jms.JmsException cannot be resolved报错解决
  5. Directory文件类
  6. PHP 类与对象 全解析(三)
  7. java SE 入门之语言与环境(第一篇)
  8. java 将页面指定区域截图并上传到服务器
  9. 使用github搭建个人html网站
  10. Swift 函数调用到底写不写参数名