

db = Connection('', 27017).performance_test

#client = MongoClient('', 27017)

#db = client.performance_test 


collection = db.updates 

collection.insert({"x": 1}) 


start = time.time() 

for i in range(100000): 

        collection.update({}, {"$push" : {"x" : 1}}) 



>python test_mongo_conn.py


>python test_mongo_client.py


用Connection() 8秒,MongoClient()则花了62秒,这性能相差也太多了。


class pymongo.connection.Connection([host='localhost'[, port=27017[, max_pool_size=10[, network_timeout=None[, document_class=dict[, tz_aware=False[, **kwargs]]]]]]])

Write Concern options:

safe: Connection disables acknowledgement of write operations. Use safe=True to enable write acknowledgement.

w: (integer or string) If this is a replica set, write operations will block until they have been replicated to the specified number or tagged set of servers. w=<int> always includes the replica set primary (e.g. w=3 means write to the primary and wait until replicated to two secondaries). Implies safe=True.

wtimeout: (integer) Used in conjunction with w. Specify a value in milliseconds to control how long to wait for write propagation to complete. If replication does not complete in the given timeframe, a timeout exception is raised. Implies safe=True.

j: If True block until write operations have been committed to the journal. Ignored if the server is running without journaling. Implies safe=True.

fsync: If True force the database to fsync all files before returning. When used with j the server awaits the next group commit before returning. Implies safe=True.



当将Connection() 和MongoClient()建立连接时指定相同的safe参数,两者的性能表现是一样的。

client = MongoClient('', 27017,safe=False)

#db = Connection('', 27017,safe=False).performance_test



from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient('www.yeayee.com','')
db = client.database
collection = db.collection


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