
Document Understanding and Task (DUT) team in STCA focuses on semantic understanding and answer recommendation platform and features for Bing, Cortana and Office. &nbsp


1. Innovate new algorithms for discovery flow graph of answers and recommendation of relevant answers, especially for task completion.

2. Build toolkits and platform for answer life cycle management including design & implementation, experiment, triage & ship and maintain.

3. Develop query/document understanding features

Job Requirements:

1. M.S. degree in computer science or related fields for tools and platform building or Ph.D. degree in machine learning preferred for algorithm improvement/innovation.

2. Familiar with development and debugging in C#, Python, JavaScript etc.

3. Deep understanding of large-scale data processing, data storage, and data retrieval.

4. At least two years of industry experiences in engineering or research is preferred.

5. Experiences in machine learning or knowledge representation are a big plus

Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer and supports workforce diversity.



  1. 文件描述符、文件表项指针、inode节点的关系
  2. for..in遍历,枚举器
  3. Centos7.2 yum配置
  4. Android 数据传递(二)Activity与fragment之间的通信
  5. 术&道
  6. 如何提高码农产量,基于ASP.NET MVC的敏捷开发框架开发随笔一
  7. “耐撕”团队2016.04.12站立会议
  8. CodeForces 589B Layer Cake (暴力)
  9. Android学习之多点触摸并不神秘
  10. 数学函数类方法的使用.java
  11. C语言程序设计第二次作业1
  12. Python进程与线程
  13. ko学习二,绑定语法
  14. 微软公布针对最新IE漏洞的安全通报2963983
  15. Matplotlib 简单图例
  16. Django 2.0.1 官方文档翻译:编写你的第一个djang补丁(page 15)
  17. 生存分析与R--转载
  18. Java编程的逻辑 (37) - 泛型 (下) - 细节和局限性
  19. 疯狂java讲义 第三版 笔记
  20. 通过torodb && hasura graphql 让mongodb 快速支持graphql api


  1. 3、爬虫之selenium模块
  2. STM32学习之路-LCD(2)
  3. C#创建无窗体的应用程序
  4. php 数据集转换树、递归重组节点信息多维数组(转)
  5. [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.mybatis.generator:mybatis-generator-maven-plugin:1.3.2:generate (default-cli) on project SSMMavenPro: configfile D:\java\PermissionPro\src\main\resources\generatorCo
  6. 运行metamascara时出现的一些错误
  7. pytorch GPU的程序kill后未释放内存
  8. 高斯-克吕格投影与UTM投影
  9. JS省市区联动
  10. Python2.7-time