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第 1 段

1.Listen to a conversation between a student and her public relations professor.


第 2 段

1.Hi, professor Gordin, I really learned a lot from your lecture, the one about analyzing all those different segments of the population.


2.Oh, the official term is audience, right?


3.I never imagine that one company could have over thirty audiences to communicate with.【表示学生对教授的演讲内容十分惊讶】


第 3 段

1.Yeah, a lot of students are taken aback by this【大吃一惊】, and some public relations consultants don't figure it out until they've worked in the field a while.


第 4 段

1.Everyone thinks, public relations, eh, PR is easy, but there's a lot to it.

大家都以为公关,就是PR 很简单,但是其实并不然。

2.You really got to know what you are doing.


第 5 段

1.Absolutely. So, Stacy, your email implied that you needed my advice about graduate school?


第 6 段

1.No, since my undergraduate degree will be in public relations, I've already decided to get a master's degree in marketing.


2.Sorry, I wasn't clear.


3.My issue is, I have got two require courses and two electives.

// require & elective 必修课和选修课


4.I am trying to figure out which elective course is to take.【学生提出了问题】


5.My advisor suggested economics and accounting, but I am not really sure.


第 7 段



第 8 段

1.Well, I endured accounting and economics in high school and barelystayed awake, they were so ... 【学生对于her advisor's suggestion 的想法】// endured in do er de ; barely 少的


第 9 段

1.Ok, Ok. I hear you.


2.Eh... you say you wanted a master's in marketing, you have got one more semester till graduation.


3.Have you taken any marketing courses yet? 【教授似乎开始解决她的问题了】


第 10 段

1.No, I figured I've got the marketing basis already since I have taken every PR in communication courses offered here.【got the marketing basis】

没有。我想我已经有了市场营销学的基础了吧,因为我上了所有这里关于PR 的交流课程。

第 11 段

1.Well, there's some overlap between PR and marketing, but there are important differences too. 【后面一大段都在讲overlap】

是这样,PR 和市场营销的确有重叠之处,但是也有很重要的区别。

2.Marketing focuses on selling your product or service, eh, you know, attracting customers through advertising, and also building relationships with customers.


3.That's what a marketing department does.


4.PR is all about, it involves relationships too, that's why I am saying the two fields overlap.


5.But in PR, you are developing relationships with a wider range of audiences.【指出PR和marketing的区别就是wider range】

但是PR 是与更多的受众客户来建立关系。

第 12 段

1.Right. Like employees, suppliers, the media.


2.I do understand this in theory, but aren't you still selling your product, just in a different way?【你讲的这些我都懂,又一个疑问过去,每当学生不懂了,教授就会举个例子


第 13 段

1.Not necessarily. Ok, do you remember that PR strategy I alluded to the other day? // allude 顺便提到

那不一定。你记得前几天我提到的PR 战略吗?

2.The one our university uses, a strategy that doesn't overlap with its marketing strategy?【举了一个no overlap 的例子】


第 14 段

1.You mean how the university invites local residents to attend certain lectures and classes for free?【这个例子就是 invite local to attend lecture for free】


第 15 段

1.Yeah, this cultivates a sense of good will and helps the university avoid becoming isolated from the larger community.


2.Bringing neighbours into our classrooms is good PR, but it is not marketing since our neighbours aren't our customers, for the most part.【no overlap 的原因】


第 16 段

1.That's why I want to focus on marketing in graduate school.


2.Wouldn't having expertise in PR and marketing give me more career options?【学生强调了选择marketing 的原因】 // expertise 专业知识

难道说有了PR 和市场营销两门的专业知识不会让我有更多的职业选择吗?

第 17 段

1.Yeah, but you'll also want to enjoy your work.【教授又怼回去了】


2.So for your electives, why don't you take advertising principles and intro the marketing, which I teach.


3.This way, you'll find out if marketing is something you really want to pursue.


4.Graduate School tuition is expensive, and these courses will give you a good overview of the field before committing yourself. // committing yourself 投身于这个领域


第 18 段

1.I wish my advisor had suggested those courses.


第 19 段

1.Well, I am someone who has worked in both marketing and PR, so I can offer a different perspective than someone who only teaches.



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