Overcoming Life's Obstacles - How a top oboist overcame a neurological disorder to play again

©Advanced Studio Classroom
Vol: 2017 MARCH 3

  • What is your dream?
  • be out of fear / because they don't want to get hurt
  • Let's find out what happened to Alex Klein
  • There is always obstacles in life and that's just how the world works.
  • It's good to remember that the bigger the obstacle, the bigger the victory.
  • We face them, we challenge them and we overcome them. That can be very inspiring.
  • If it is easy for him, I don't think this article even exist.

a dozen years ago, the music stoped for Alex Klein.

  • a dozen years ago - more than ten years ago

…found himself losing control of his fingers when he played.

The affliction sent garbled signals from his brain to fingers.

  • you garble my words from their real meaning.

The dystonia robbed him of his identity and self-esteem as an artist.

  • it was so humiliating, a terrible blow to my self-esteem.
  • rob … of / take … of

  • incurable affliction

    • His deafness is a great affliction to him.
    • She sympathizes with people in affliction.
  • sweat it out / be very nervous

tolerate / endure

  • we can't endure much longer in the desert without water.

that's kind of sucks

facing a harsh reality

  • His independence had been forged on the harsh environment.

The insidious thing was that when he was away from the oboe, his fingers worked just fine.

  • an insidious disease
  • sid - residual

He was faced with the reality that…

…announced his retiring from his position

it was the most depressing time of his life. he had nothing to do and nowhere to go.

  • frustrating - the current situation is very frustrating for us

he hesitated to play the oboe again. whenever he did, after a couple of days his fingers would tighten up.

  • nightmare
  • you were the best of best
  • how to choose - look for other options / just give up?


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