query.inc 文件:


1707 line
public function condition($field, $value = NULL, $operator = NULL) {
if (!isset($operator)) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$operator = 'IN';
elseif (!isset($value)) {
$operator = 'IS NULL';
else {
$operator = '=';
$this->conditions[] = array(
'field' => $field,
'value' => $value,
'operator' => $operator,
); $this->changed = TRUE; return $this;
} 这里会放到 $this->conditions[] 中
$operator = $connection->mapConditionOperator($condition['operator']);
mapConditionOperator 函数:
protected function mapConditionOperator($operator) {
// $specials does not use drupal_static as its value never changes.
static $specials = array(
'BETWEEN' => array('delimiter' => ' AND '),
'IN' => array('delimiter' => ', ', 'prefix' => ' (', 'postfix' => ')'),
'NOT IN' => array('delimiter' => ', ', 'prefix' => ' (', 'postfix' => ')'),
'EXISTS' => array('prefix' => ' (', 'postfix' => ')'),
'NOT EXISTS' => array('prefix' => ' (', 'postfix' => ')'),
'IS NULL' => array('use_value' => FALSE),
'IS NOT NULL' => array('use_value' => FALSE),
// Use backslash for escaping wildcard characters.
'LIKE' => array('postfix' => " ESCAPE '\\\\'"),
'NOT LIKE' => array('postfix' => " ESCAPE '\\\\'"),
// These ones are here for performance reasons.
'=' => array(),
'<' => array(),
'>' => array(),
'>=' => array(),
'<=' => array(),
if (isset($specials[$operator])) {
$return = $specials[$operator];
else {
// We need to upper case because PHP index matches are case sensitive but
// do not need the more expensive drupal_strtoupper because SQL statements are ASCII.
$operator = strtoupper($operator);
$return = isset($specials[$operator]) ? $specials[$operator] : array();
} $return += array('operator' => $operator); return $return;


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