lagom中的stream 流数据处理是基于akka stream的,异步的处理流数据的。如下看代码:


A: 并行:  hellos.mapAsync(8, name -> helloService.hello(name).invoke())),  八个线程并行处理;

B: 异步: 返回completedFuture, 使用基于Web Socket的方式。

C: 全双工:


import akka.NotUsed;
import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.api.ServiceCall;
import com.example.hello.hello.api.HelloService;
import; import javax.inject.Inject; import static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completedFuture; /**
* Implementation of the HelloString.
public class StreamServiceImpl implements StreamService { private final HelloService helloService;
private final StreamRepository repository; @Inject
public StreamServiceImpl(HelloService helloService, StreamRepository repository) {
this.helloService = helloService;
this.repository = repository;
} @Override
public ServiceCall<Source<String, NotUsed>, Source<String, NotUsed>> directStream() {
return hellos -> completedFuture(
hellos.mapAsync(8, name -> helloService.hello(name).invoke()));
} @Override
public ServiceCall<Source<String, NotUsed>, Source<String, NotUsed>> autonomousStream() {
return hellos -> completedFuture(
hellos.mapAsync(8, name -> repository.getMessage(name).thenApply( message ->
String.format("%s, %s!", message.orElse("Hello"), name)

调用streamed service 接口的方式:

  Source<String, ?> response = await(streamService.directStream().invoke(
Source.from(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c"))
List<String> messages = await(response.take(3).runWith(Sink.seq(), mat));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("Hello, a!", "Hello, b!", "Hello, c!"), messages);
private <T> T await(CompletionStage<T> future) throws Exception {   //等待10秒 拿结果
return future.toCompletableFuture().get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


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