KeyCode values for keyboard keys

Type of key

KeyCode values and descriptions

Mouse buttons

  • KeyLeftButton!    Left mouse button
  • KeyMiddleButton!    Middle mouse button
  • KeyRightButton!    Right mouse button


KeyA! - KeyZ!     A - Z, uppercase or lowercase

Other symbols

  • KeyQuote!     ' and "
  • KeyEqual!     = and +
  • KeyComma!   , and <
  • KeyDash!    - and _
  • KeyPeriod!    . and >
  • KeySlash!    / and ?
  • KeyBackQuote!    ` and ~
  • KeyLeftBracket!    [ and {
  • KeyBackSlash!    \ and |
  • KeyRightBracket!    ] and }
  • KeySemiColon!    ; and :

Non-printing characters

  • KeyBack!    Backspace
  • KeyTab!
  • KeyEnter!
  • KeySpaceBar!

Function keys

KeyF1! - KeyF12!    Function keys F1 to F12

Control keys

  • KeyShift!
  • KeyControl!
  • KeyAlt!
  • KeyPause!
  • KeyCapsLock!
  • KeyEscape!
  • KeyPrintScreen!
  • KeyInsert!
  • KeyDelete!

Navigation keys

  • KeyPageUp!
  • KeyPageDown!
  • KeyEnd!
  • KeyHome!
  • KeyLeftArrow!
  • KeyUpArrow!
  • KeyRightArrow!
  • KeyDownArrow!

Numeric and symbol keys

  • Key0!    0 and )
  • Key1!    1 and !
  • Key2!    2 and @
  • Key3!    3 and #
  • Key4!    4 and $
  • Key5!    5 and %
  • Key6!    6 and ^
  • Key7!    7 and &
  • Key8!    8 and *
  • Key9!    9 and (

Keypad numbers

KeyNumpad0! - KeyNumpad9! 0 - 9 on numeric keypad

Keypad symbols

  • KeyMultiply!    * on numeric keypad
  • KeyAdd!    + on numeric keypad
  • KeySubtract!    - on numeric keypad
  • KeyDecimal!    . on numeric keypad
  • KeyDivide!    / on numeric keypad
  • KeyNumLock!
  • KeyScrollLock!


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