



  通过Google很快搜索到一篇关于Xen的重要论文——Diagnosing Performance Overheads in the Xen Virtual Machine Environment

  这篇论文的“3.1 Xen”第2段文字专门讲到了Xen的IO模型:

3.1 Xen

The latest version of the Xen architecture introduces a new I/O model, where special privileged virtual machines called driver domains own specific hardware devices and run their I/O device drivers. All other domains (guest domains in Xen terminology) run a simple device driver that communicates via the device channel mechanism with the driver domain to access the real hardware devices. Driver domains directly access hardware devices that they own; however, interrupts from these devices are first handled by the VMM which then notifies the corresponding driver domain through virtual interrupts delivered over the event mechanism. The guest domain exchanges service requests and responses with the driver domain over an I/O descriptor ring in the device channel. An asynchronous inter-domain event mechanism is used to send notification of queued messages. To support high-performance devices, references to page-sized buffers are transferred over the I/O descriptor ring rather than actual I/O data (the latter would require copying). When data is sent by the guest domain, Xen uses a sharing mechanism where the guest domain permits the driver domain to map the page with the data and pin it for DMA by the device. When data is sent by the driver domain to the guest domain, Xen uses a page-remapping mechanism which maps the page with the data into the guest domain in exchange for an unused page provided by the guest domain.

  虚拟机的世界果然不一样。原来在Xen中,每一个物理设备都有一个专门的特权虚拟机(driver domain)在管理,其他虚拟机(guest domain,云服务器就运行于guest domain)访问物理设备都要通过对应的driver domain。driver domain上运行着直接可以访问物理设备的驱动程序;而guest domain中的驱动程序相当于只是一个中介,它通过设备信道机制(device channel mechanism)与driver domain进行通信,来完成物理设备的访问操作(见下图,来自这个PPT——Diagnosing Performance Overheads in the Xen Virtual Machine Environment)。(关键点1:云服务器中的网络IO操作最终是由driver domain完成的

  而来自物理设备的中断(interrupt)首先由VMM(Virtual Machine Monitor)处理,然后基于事件机制,通过相应的虚拟中断通知相应的driver domain(关键点2:当网卡收到包时,中断首先是由VMM处理的,然后发给Driver Domain)。关于这一点,在该论文中的6.1.1节中也提到了:

For each packet received, the network device raises a physical interrupt which is first handled in Xen, and then the appropriate “event” is delivered to the correct driver domain through a virtual interrupt mechanism.

  当driver domain将来自物理设备的数据(比如网卡接收到的网络包)发给guest domain时,Xen会使用page-remapping(内存页重映射)机制。driver domain会先将数据从物理设备读取到内存中,然后将这部分内存页与guest domain中的未使用内存页进行交换,然后guest domain直接读取这部分内存页,有点偷梁换柱的味道(关键点3:当socket读取数据时,会进行driver domain与guest domain的内存页重映射操作)。关于这一点,在该论文的6.1.2节占也提到到了:

For each page of network data received, the page is remapped into the guest domain and the driver domain acquires a replacement page from the guest.

  再来看看“黑色0.1秒”期间的情况。Wireshark的抓包数据显示,当时来自OCS的TCP包已经到达guest domain:

  这说明了什么呢?先看一张更详细的Xen I/O架构图(图片来自[pdf]Xen I/O Overview):

  我们推断,当时TCP包已经到达上图中的Netfront——guest domain中的网卡。也就是说物理网卡收到了网络包,并发出了中断;中断被VMM处理并发给了driver domain,driver domain已经将网卡中的数据读取到内存中;并且已经完成了与guest domain的page-remapping。socket读取数据时,实际就是在读这块从drvier domain的remap过来的内存页,就在读的过程中发生了“黑色0.1秒”。

  再看一张更详细的图(图片来自Optimizing Network Virtualization in Xen):

  在上图片中,“黑色0.1秒”就发生在guest domain从Hypervisor Page Flipping中读取package data。

  通过这次分析,我们觉得问题可能发生在guest domain从remap过来的内存页中读取数据时。在这个读的过程中,不仅涉及内存,还要涉及CPU——CPU执行的指令情况,CPU的缓存,CPU与内存之间的距离。这是一个更复杂的问题,目前我们没有足够的知识,也没有足够的参考资料进行分析。只能把问题留在这里,期待有经验的朋友提供线索。


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