
class People:
country='China' def __init__(self,name,age):
self.age=age def talk(self):
print('%s is talking' %self.name) p = People("gd", 22)
print(p.name) # p.__dic__['name']
print(p.talk) # <bound method People.talk of <__main__.People object at 0x00000000027B7470>> print(hasattr(p, 'name')) # True 判断 对象p 里有没有 name 属性, hasattr(),第一个参数传对象,第二个参数传 属性名
print(hasattr(p, 'talk1')) # True print(getattr(p, 'name')) # gd 拿到 对象 p 里的属性
# print(getattr(p, 'name2')) # AttributeError: 'People' object has no attribute 'name2'
# getattr(), 没有相应属性的时候,会报错,我们可以传入第三个参数
print(getattr(p, 'name2', None)) # None 这样,找不到属性的时候就会返回 None 了 setattr(p, 'sex', '机器大师')
print(p.sex) # 机器大师 print(p.__dict__) # {'name': 'gd', 'age': 22, 'sex': '机器大师'}
delattr(p, 'sex') # 删除属性
print(p.__dict__) # {'name': 'gd', 'age': 22} # hasattr() getattr() setatter() delattr() 不仅适用于对象,也可以用于类
print(hasattr(People, 'country')) # True
print(getattr(People, 'country')) # China


class Service:
def run(self):
while True:
cmd = input(">>:").strip()
if hasattr(self, cmd):
func = getattr(self, cmd)
func() def get(self):
print('get......') def put(self):
print('put.....') obj = Service()
obj.run() # >>:get
# get......
# >>:put
# put.....


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