Good luck is another name for tenacity of purpose.


To some extent, I don't agree with this view.

Besides the virtue of perseverance, there are many factors that can decide whether we are lucky or not.

In the actual life, I know a slew of people, who have insisted on making considerable efforts on their pursues but unfortunately they have not yet seen their businesses blooming, even the possibilities of flourishing.

And I also know a lot of people, who have been deemed as winners in their fields, they had acquired their successes in their early age and in a relatively easier way.

So, maybe most often the cases are inaccordance with the old saying: Men propose, God dispose.

Nevertheless, for the majority of us, now that we may not be favored by the God, the only thing we can do to change our days is to insist on chasing our dreams, maybe one day one of them happens to come true.

Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.


From Cyril Connolly.

Actually, I would like to keep some reserved opinions on this view of Cyril Connolly.

Sometimes those artists must keep a distance from the popular culture and try to from their own styles, but most often it is the public to judge whether their creation are good or not.

Like the "People's Artist" in China, the few ones who got this supreme honor, will be commemorated by the public for many decades, and their artistic work will also have much longer and stronger vitalities than those small and niche ones.

After all, we and our productions need to be confirmed and approved by the public.


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