
  1. 字符串
  2. 整数
  3. 浮点数
  4. 出度及精度控制
strHello = 'Hello Python'
print strHello
#输出结果:Hello Python


python print也支持参数格式化,与C言的printf似,

strHello = "the length of (%s) is %d" %('Hello World',len('Hello World'))
print strHello
#输出果:the length of (Hello World) is 11


nHex = 0x20
#%x --- hex 十六进制
#%d --- dec 十进制
#%d --- oct 八进制
print "nHex = %x,nDec = %d,nOct = %o" %(nHex,nHex,nHex)
#输出结果:nHex = 20,nDec = 32,nOct = 40

如果需要输出二进制的话,可以使用python函数 bin()

Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 10 2013, 19:24:18) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> bin(789)


import math
print "PI = %f" % math.pi
#width = 10,precise = 3,align = left
print "PI = %10.3f" % math.pi
#width = 10,precise = 3,align = rigth
print "PI = %-10.3f" % math.pi
print "PI = %06d" % int(math.pi)
#PI = 3.141593
#PI = 3.142
#PI = 3.142
#PI = 000003


#precise = 3
print "%.3s " % ("jcodeer")
#precise = 4
print "%.*s" % (4,"jcodeer")
#width = 10,precise = 3
print "%10.3s" % ("jcodeer")
# jco


l = [1,2,3,4,'jcodeer']
print l
#输出结果:[1, 2, 3, 4, 'jcodeer']
d = {1:'A',2:'B',3:'C',4:'D'}
print d
#输出结果:{1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C', 4: 'D'}

6.python print自动换行

print 会自动在行末加上回车,如果不需回车,只需在print语句的结尾添加一个逗号”,“,就可以改变它的行为。

for i in range(0,5):
print i,



7. 万能的 %r

有个同事问我python里面print ”%r” 是什么用途,被问倒了。

用了这么些年的python,还没用过print %r。


python print %r 案例

formatter = "%r %r %r %r"
print formatter % (1, 2, 3, 4)
print formatter % ("one", "two", "three", "four")
print formatter % (True, False, False, True)
print formatter % (formatter, formatter, formatter, formatter)
print formatter % (
"I had this thing.",
"That you could type up right.",
"But it didn't sing.",
"So I said goodnight."


$ python ex8.py
1 2 3 4
'one' 'two' 'three' 'four'
True False False True
'%r %r %r %r' '%r %r %r %r' '%r %r %r %r' '%r %r %r %r'
'I had this thing.' 'That you could type up right.' "But it didn't sing." 'So I said goodnight.'


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