// Filename: type_traits.h // Comment By: 凝霜
// E-mail: mdl2009@vip.qq.com
// Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/mdl13412 /*
* Copyright (c) 1997
* Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
* and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
* that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
* in supporting documentation. Silicon Graphics makes no
* representations about the suitability of this software for any
* purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
*/ #ifndef __TYPE_TRAITS_H
#define __TYPE_TRAITS_H #ifndef __STL_CONFIG_H
#include <stl_config.h>
#endif // 这个头文件提供了一个框架, 允许编译器在编译期根据类型属性派发函数的机制
// 这个框架对于编写模板代码非常有用
// 例如, 当我们需要拷贝一个未知类型的array, 它能帮助我们得知这个未知类型
// 是否具有一个trivial copy constructor, 以帮助我们决定memcpy()是否能使用 // __type_traits模板类提供了一些列的typedefs, 其值是__true_type或者__false_type
// __type_traits模板类可以接受任何类型的参数
// 模板类中的typedefs可以通过以下手段获取其正确值
// 1. general instantiation, 对于所有类型都要有保守值
// 2. 经过特化的版本
// 3. 一些编译器(例如Silicon Graphics N32 and N64 compilers)
// 会自动给所有类型提供合适的特化版本
// 例子:
// Copy an array of elements which have non-trivial copy constructors
// template <class T> void copy(T* source,T* destination,int n,__false_type);
// Copy an array of elements which have trivial copy constructors. Use memcpy.
// template <class T> void copy(T* source,T* destination,int n,__true_type);
// Copy an array of any type by using the most efficient copy mechanism
// template <class T> inline void copy(T* source,T* destination,int n)
// {
// copy(source,destination,n,
// typename __type_traits<T>::has_trivial_copy_constructor());
// } struct __true_type
}; struct __false_type
}; template <class type>
struct __type_traits
// 不要移除这个成员
// 它通知能自动特化__type_traits的编译器, 现在这个__type_traits template是特化的
// 这是为了确保万一编译器使用了__type_traits而与此处无任何关联的模板时
// 一切也能顺利运作
typedef __true_type this_dummy_member_must_be_first; // 以下条款应当被遵守, 因为编译器有可能自动生成类型的特化版本
// - 你可以重新安排的成员次序
// - 你可以移除你想移除的成员
// - 一定不可以修改下列成员名称, 却没有修改编译器中的相应名称
// - 新加入的成员被当作一般成员, 除非编译器提供特殊支持 typedef __false_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __false_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __false_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __false_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __false_type is_POD_type;
}; // 以下针对C++内置的基本数据类型提供特化版本, 使其具有trivial default constructor,
// copy constructor, assignment operator, destructor
// 并标记其为POD类型
// 特化类型:
// char, signed char, unsigned char,
// short, unsigned short
// int, unsigned int
// long, unsigned long
// float, double, long double // Provide some specializations. This is harmless for compilers that
// have built-in __types_traits support, and essential for compilers
// that don't. __STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<char>
typedef __true_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __true_type is_POD_type;
}; __STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<signed char>
typedef __true_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __true_type is_POD_type;
}; __STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<unsigned char>
typedef __true_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __true_type is_POD_type;
}; __STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<short>
typedef __true_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __true_type is_POD_type;
}; __STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<unsigned short>
typedef __true_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __true_type is_POD_type;
}; __STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<int>
typedef __true_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __true_type is_POD_type;
}; __STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<unsigned int>
typedef __true_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __true_type is_POD_type;
}; __STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<long>
typedef __true_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __true_type is_POD_type;
}; __STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<unsigned long>
typedef __true_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __true_type is_POD_type;
}; __STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<float>
typedef __true_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __true_type is_POD_type;
}; __STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<double>
typedef __true_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __true_type is_POD_type;
}; __STL_TEMPLATE_NULL struct __type_traits<long double>
typedef __true_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __true_type is_POD_type;
template <class T>
struct __type_traits<T*>
typedef __true_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __true_type is_POD_type;
}; #else /* __STL_CLASS_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION */ // 针对char *, signed char *, unsigned char *提供特化 struct __type_traits<char*>
typedef __true_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __true_type is_POD_type;
}; struct __type_traits<signed char*>
typedef __true_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __true_type is_POD_type;
}; struct __type_traits<unsigned char*>
typedef __true_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
typedef __true_type is_POD_type;
}; #endif /* __STL_CLASS_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION */ #endif /* __TYPE_TRAITS_H */ // Local Variables:
// mode:C++
// End:


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