只需要添加一个文件即可  api/blueprints/find.js     代码如下

* Module dependencies
var util = require('util'),
actionUtil = require('../../node_modules/sails/lib/hooks/blueprints/actionUtil'); /**
* Find Records
* get /:modelIdentity
* * /:modelIdentity/find
* An API call to find and return model instances from the data adapter
* using the specified criteria. If an id was specified, just the instance
* with that unique id will be returned.
* Optional:
* @param {Object} where - the find criteria (passed directly to the ORM)
* @param {Integer} limit - the maximum number of records to send back (useful for pagination)
* @param {Integer} skip - the number of records to skip (useful for pagination)
* @param {String} sort - the order of returned records, e.g. `name ASC` or `age DESC`
* @param {String} callback - default jsonp callback param (i.e. the name of the js function returned)
*/ module.exports = function findRecords (req, res) { // Look up the model
var Model = actionUtil.parseModel(req); // If an `id` param was specified, use the findOne blueprint action
// to grab the particular instance with its primary key === the value
// of the `id` param. (mainly here for compatibility for 0.9, where
// there was no separate `findOne` action)
if ( actionUtil.parsePk(req) ) {
return require('./findOne')(req,res);
} // Lookup for records that match the specified criteria
var query = Model.find()
.where( actionUtil.parseCriteria(req) )
.limit( actionUtil.parseLimit(req) )
.skip( actionUtil.parseSkip(req) )
.sort( actionUtil.parseSort(req) ); // TODO: .populateEach(req.options);
query = actionUtil.populateRequest(query, req);
query.exec(function found(err, matchingRecords) {
if (err) return res.serverError(err); // Only `.watch()` for new instances of the model if
// `autoWatch` is enabled.
if (req._sails.hooks.pubsub && req.isSocket) {
Model.subscribe(req, matchingRecords);
if (req.options.autoWatch) { Model.watch(req); }
// Also subscribe to instances of all associated models
_.each(matchingRecords, function (record) {
actionUtil.subscribeDeep(req, record);
} // get pagination info and wrap results in struct var metaInfo,
criteria = actionUtil.parseCriteria(req),
skip = actionUtil.parseSkip(req),
limit = actionUtil.parseLimit(req); Model.count(criteria)
.exec(function(err, total){
if (err) return res.serverError(err); metaInfo = {
start : skip,
end : skip + limit,
limit : limit,
total : total,
criteria: criteria
}; res.ok({info: metaInfo, items: matchingRecords}); });



查看效果,请输入如下链接, 详情 请看我的github  https://github.com/shenggen1987/sails-demo.git


"info": {
"start": 1,
"end": 2,
"limit": 1,
"total": 2,
"criteria": {}
"items": [
"name": "000",
"age": 92,
"phone": "15268155415",
"createdAt": "2017-02-14T09:15:08.242Z",
"updatedAt": "2017-02-14T09:15:08.242Z",
"id": "58a2ca9c8a7b1e1500883405"



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