对应文档节点: https://vuefe.cn/v2/guide/render-function.html#Slots

<div id="app">
<div class="parent">
</body> <script>
Vue.component('child', {
render: function (createElement) {
// <div><slot :text="msg"></slot></div>
return createElement('div', [
text: this.msg
// template: `
// <div class="child">
// <slot :text="msg"></slot>
// </div>
// `,
data: function () {
return {
msg: "Demo"
} }); Vue.component('anchored-heading', {
render(createElement) {
return createElement('div', [
createElement('child', {
// pass scopedSlots in the data object
// in the form of { name: props => VNode | Array<VNode> }
scopedSlots: {
default: function (props) {
return createElement('span','hello-'+ props.text)
// template: `
// <div class="parent">
// <child>
// <template scope="props">
// <span>hello {{ props.text }}</span>
// </template>
// </child>
// </div>
// `
}) new Vue({
el: "#app"


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